Dropping By


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I came back because I wanted to build freely. Most of the times, it's lonely on Buildbox just building.

I mean: most people roleplay, make maps, or go for ADV and drop activity. I lost interest in freely building since noone drops by. Well, any Builder that randomly teleported to me decided throwing kill potions was better than asking about the process of making my temple (and the same goes for players when they call'd and I legitimately expected an inquiry or a compliment).

I decided to take up learning WorldEdit from operators and others.... I ended up teaching people new things.

For now, I feel like visiting was a waste of my time. RoF (though to be fair it always has been) an AFK and chat server of toxic/mild circlejerks/horsebeating-jokes or things that just are non-inviting. It has essentially (as I feel for gameplay) become a race to get overpowered enchanted items with Prestige.

Oh, and about the Envelope. Surprisingly, I was met with curiosity in other communities, even in Gmod. Here? I was met with Tumblr-esque jokes... Come on guys, you put an emphasis on maturity and even the players I'm familiar with make crack-ass jokes and then say it's ok because it's a joke and I'm suddenly suppose to smile at the minimal-effort jokes? No, I will not be putting blackboxes in fiber-optic cable rooms (because the public has so many oh-so-misconceptions). No, I was not taken into a white van. No, I did not find aliens or Edward Snowden. No, I did not sign up to get $30,000 USD a year just by staying in school for a Bachelor's in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering and then signing my life to Maryland 1.5x the time it took to get the degree.

Yes, I will still post the WorldEdit tutorial playlist, which will be available outside Blocktopia. Yes, I will post the Temple when it's done. Yes, I will make a short animation.

I'm disappointed as I returned for hope of a enjoyable reunion.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
I really hope I'm not one of those people you stated, I remember you from well back. If I remember, we were okay friends, but that was definitely a long while ago.
While I'm on rof I try to never be afk, and if I'm going to be afk I always try and leave. I try to make it fun, I'm sorry that I've disappointed you with that aspect.

I hope that your experience here will pick up, I really do. I think we may be seeing different perspectives of the community, although I don't speak to that many people anymore, admittedly. Only really my close friends. Too awkward to make new ones :p


toxic/mild circlejerks/horsebeating-jokes or things that just are non-inviting

I was met with Tumblr-esque jokes... Come on guys, you put an emphasis on maturity and even the players I'm familiar with make crack-ass jokes and then say it's ok because it's a joke and I'm suddenly suppose to smile at the minimal-effort jokes?
This is not a problem with Blocktopia alone. This is a problem with most communities. reddit, 4chan, tumblr, almost all active (discussion) forums have their circlejerks and low-effort jokes. You can't fix that, it's just natural. People prefer making jokes over serious discussion. You'll have this in every single moderately sized community, especially gaming communities. It's human nature. You can't really expect people to be mature either- People don't just become mature because you tell them how immature they are. They either grow up (which often takes years) or stay immature forever.

Is it annoying? Yes. But you shouldn't forget this is a game. People play on Blocktopia's server to enjoy themselves and relax. Minecraft is a game mostly played at children. Blocktopia might be a little more mature than other communities (or better at hiding immaturity), but it is and will always be a problem. That's just the thing with most (gaming) communities. It's to be expected.
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Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Personally, I enjoy the vague guidelines and design involved in creative maps, despite many of them not being completed/accepted. That said, I also have some aimless building projects that I enjoy going to regularly. In terms of RoF, I often find conversing with new players to be a more enjoyable experience, as they haven't been pulled into any of the pre-existing defined friendship circles, and they are often grateful for the conversation. I do interact with the 'veterans,' of course, but more often than not my not being as close-knit as the rest of them results in me being an annoyance. To be perfectly honest, I find AoD to be the least cliqued environment; everyone can go and play and talk - there is no "you can't enter my house you are not my friend." Every server has a degree, though, of course, because you have clans, group builds, and just plain old groups of friends who have known each other for ages. While you can't break these bonds, or feel morally right trying, you can try and pry open the walls between groups the groups and try to increase the openness of the community.


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I see, that you were too long outside of Blocktopia... I think this problem hits anyone who was too long outside of Blocktopia.

Well I don't do anything on BB, so can't tell you about this server.
RoF in my opinion is lazy chatty nice server, where you can build 3x3x3 afkbox or go to community house, when it was getting built. Prestige just attracts me to it. Also its nice to watch staff entertaining players.
AoD is fastpaced action server - so it could be harder to form cliques.


May 31, 2014
Reaction score
gettinthere said:
For now, I feel like visiting was a waste of my time. RoF (though to be fair it always has been) an AFK and chat server of toxic/mild circlejerks/horsebeating-jokes or things that just are non-inviting. It has essentially (as I feel for gameplay) become a race to get overpowered enchanted items with Prestige.
LOLOLOLOLOL- oh come on! I was just having a joke at rof....
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I was met with Tumblr-esque jokes... Come on guys, you put an emphasis on maturity and even the players I'm familiar with make crack-ass jokes and then say it's ok because it's a joke and I'm suddenly suppose to smile at the minimal-effort jokes? No, I will not be putting blackboxes in fiber-optic cable rooms (because the public has so many oh-so-misconceptions). No, I was not taken into a white van. No, I did not find aliens or Edward Snowden. No, I did not sign up to get $30,000 USD a year just by staying in school for a Bachelor's in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering and then signing my life to Maryland 1.5x the time it took to get the degree.
I sincerely hope that I currently don't, have not, and will never be one of said users. If I was or if I am, I am so sorry. It is not my intention.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
I did got the pleasure to get to know you a little bit more these past weeks when I started being a bit active on BB, Gettin. I usually tp'd to you and asked you what you were building. I interacted with you, since that's what I like to do with people. I do have to say that you are indeed a very clever and nice guy to talk to. So thanks for those small moments we shared.

But I'll say this. I really do understand what you're saying and there's some points I do agree with. Just keep in mind that no matter where you go (Either another Community or Real Life Places) you'll always going to encounter, as you call it, jerks, rude and/or immature people. Life is full of them! Don't let THEM be the ones who make your experience an unpleasant one. Be YOU the one that make your OWN experience a good one.

I do hope I see you again some day. Wish you the best. <3


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
lmao "suck my ass"
LOLOLOLOLOL- oh come on! I was just having a joke at rof....
You're both idiots and this is why we can't have nice things.

I was about to disagree with you about the rof statement but somewhat retracting that because of these comments.


That kid with the avatar
Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
You're both idiots and this is why we can't have nice things.

I was about to disagree with you about the rof statement but somewhat retracting that because of these comments.
So I'm an idiot for having a chuckle on the comment that was in the background? Sorry for having a sense of humor. Are we going to ban having humor from the community?


Ex - Army of Darkness Director
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
So I'm an idiot for having a chuckle on the comment that was in the background? Sorry for having a sense of humor. Are we going to ban having humor from the community?
I think the point is that this is a leaving thread, not a place to joke around. Especially if the joke can be easily misinterpreted.

Sad to see you go, gett. I enjoyed our time together and wish you the best of luck in life. Don't let people negatively influence you; there is always a bright side to every situation.