I play this. I'm still miraculously on my first fortress. The only threat that has appeared so far are some monkeys that tried to steal some crap. Made my militia kill them thangs. Also discovered an underground cave that got me some amethyst.
I also want a lot of my dwarves to die because migrants keep showing up and I am too lazy to build them bedrooms.
Hey, better revive an old thread rather than make an entirely new one.
I've played Dwarf Fortress, but it feels a bit too complicated for me. I want to love it so, but just learning how to play takes quite a bit in itself. xD
My greatest disaster wasn't when I dug too deep, but when I dug too high. It was the time I hadn't realized my expansions had undermined the ocean and I drained it into a chasm.
My dwarves all got first dibs on the world's largest water slide.
Oh hey, just noticed this thread.
After over a year of playing DF I'd say I'm starting to get into beginner level
I tend to spend most of my time creating overly-complected minecart cannons.