The economy in Dusk of Discordia is quite complicated, with a market that changes with supply and demand and ways to earn currency. Our economy is run with Topians, the currency we are using, and Topians can be used for buying items from the global shop and trading, among other things such as flaunting wealth.
For standard economy itself, the only command you will need to use is /money. This will show you the amount of Topians you possess.
But we have a market this time around! In a shop at spawn, and shops spread throughout the map, you will be able to buy and sell certain items. As these items are bought and sold, the prices will change. If the store has a lot of cobblestone, the price for cobblestone will go down. If the store is running short on diamonds, the price for diamonds will shoot up. The market will change with the server, and if you play the market well then you will profit from it.
Certain items may have static prices, whereas most of the items will be dynamic and change with supply and demand. The store does have a lot of stock, but does not have infinite stock, and if an item is in very high demand the store may completely run out!
As time goes on and people experience this market better and learn how it works, it will be better understood and work better. Hopefully you all will enjoy this new feature, and use it to your benefit!
Command List:
/hc - Help menu, shows all commands
/buy [name] (amount/"max") - Buys the specified amount of specified item
/sell [name] (amount/"max") - Sells the specified amount of specified item
/browseshop [keywords] - Shows all items in the shop with said letters/words
/value <item> - Shows the value of specified item
/money - Shows your balance of Topians