Er... spreadsheet errors?


Jul 7, 2012
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Recently a few friends and I have discovered a spreadsheet error, well actually 1 confirmed one and the other probably true. On spread sheet it says that wooden chests always burn on any mood. I remember before it didn't so I was like "wth" when I saw that. I was proven right it doesn't burn and now I am beginning to suspect that there might be way more errors. So just saying we should re-evaluate the spreadsheet. It says "automatically updates every 5 minutes" but I think updates are incorrect. :D


I believe the wooden chests have always been listen as Safe on the spreadsheet, but the sheet editors had a talk with Dirtcake and he said something along the lines of "It's not supposed to be safe" IIRC, so I figured I'd just list it as "Melts" for when Dirtcake changed it. (@dirtcake could you say if I'm correct/incorrect here?)

EDIT: Actually, just found this in the RoF WBM editor changelog :

"- I've marked chests as melts on all moods, because that's how it's intended and it will hopefully change to that anyway. realize it's incorrect, but they aren't supposed to build with chests anyway - it's kind of cheating."

So yeah, that confirms what I wrote. Dirt may have changed his mind or simply forgotten about it, I don't know. But it was definitely supposed to melt when I edited that.

There's really no need to re-evaluate the entire speadsheet- I'm honestly pretty sure that it's 99% correct, and I don't think anyone has the motivation to confirm every single block in Minecraft. If changes are made to how blocks melt, well shit. It'll hopefully get updated in time.

If you think you've found a mistake in the spreadsheet, feel very free to tell about it in the WBM thread, or contact one of the spreadsheet editors (they're listed on the spreadsheet) and they'll have a look at it.

EDIT2: Also, what's the other error?

EDIT3: Here's what Dirtcake said a while ago in the actual WBM thread:

Yes, chests should melt, and they did during the beta week. However, a chest melting would occasionally causesome of the players' clients to crash. I've been unable to track down the exact cause of this, which is why they don't melt at all. If and when I find the problem, they will melt on calm.

So yeah, I'm going to keep them as "Melts on all moods". They're not supposed to be safe, so they aren't marked as safe.
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Feb 3, 2014
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Since this thread has been posted, I just wanted to say that I do update the sheet whenever I see a block melt differently. If anyone notices something different than what is on the sheet (excluding chests), feel free to talk to me or send a message. And if we ever go to 1.8, new blocks will be tested ASAP.