Come join our community Discord! It's our most active platform, and we host all types of events - including game giveaways, game nights that include games like Among Us, Garry's Mod, and our servers, Movie / Show night, and more! We also have a ton more to do on our discord, including things like custom emotes, fun game bots, and channels for various topics for members of the community to discuss. It's also one of the quickest ways to get a hold of a staff member and allows us to give you almost immediate assistance.

We have some notable channels that we think would interest many people, including but not limited to:
• #announcements - A feed of all important community matters, super quick way to be updated about our community!
• #choose-your-roles - Pick self assignable roles like current events, server news, & more!
• #survival, #creative, #lobby - Server relays so you can talk to players without even being in the server!
• #music-entertainment - Talk about your favourite Music, TV Shows, and Movies with other community members.
• #suggestions - Want to see an improvement in a server? In the discord? Leave a suggestion here!
• #creative - Want to share your art or other creation? Drop it here for everyone to see!
• #gaming - Discuss anything gaming, including the most recent news regarding games / gaming entertainment.
• #bot-spam - Mess about with any of our bots, they have games, levelling systems, and more!
• Voice Chat - Chat with other users in general, or create your own room to talk with friends using the "Click to Create" channel!

Discord has a ton of fun bots, and our server has a handful of them and we are always looking for more! We have bots like:
• Tatsumaki - Games, Global Levels, Pets, & More! [Link to Page / Commands]
• Role Bot - Custom EscapeRestart bot for local player levels! The more you talk, the higher rank you earn! Use $help for more info.
• Esc-Bot - Handles suggestions, bug reports, and more. Use -help for more info.
• More Coming Soon...

Are you a past donor, or a current patreon donor? Then we have some exclusive perks for you on our discord! Make sure to link your forum account to discord to get your role! You can do this by going to this link here: Discord Account Link | EscapeRestart
Some perks include:
• Private Donor Chat - Get exclusive behind the scene updates, get sneak peeks at current projects, and hang out with your other current donor friends!
• Change Name Colours - No need to wait to level up normally, you can change your name colour now!
• Exclusive Name Colours - You also get special colours that only donors can use!
• Special Role + Higher Tiered Role - Get a special role that puts you above the rest!
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