Blocktopia - Declined Fluffers's Mod App! (Zelly's back, back again)

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the cooliest
Aug 6, 2011
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o hi i'm back at this again o/

What is your in-game name?: Aothex (Previously iiDeathCookies, Mlem & Jinnxie)

What timezone do you live in?: Good ol' GMT (England! However, my sleeping has never been "normal" so I'll be on usually afternoon/morning as I tend to stay up late)

How many hours have you played on the server for?: Currently 3 days 5 hours. Pre-reset, way up in several hundreds in total.

How many hours can you spend helping out the server per week?: I don't have much to do at all, so I can be on for at least around 3 hours a day easily the majority of the time.

What prior staffing experience do you have?: I have staffed Create in the past and got VetOp when it was a thing. Also Classic Lava Trusted but that didn't work out because I was an edgy 11 year old so let's not talk about that.

What do you think the role entails?: The same as any other kind of staff anywhere in the world, you must be helpful and have knowledge. If somebody needs help with anything, whether it be commands, tips, etc. you must try your best to help. However, you must also be able to punish those who deserve it, whilst still giving off an approachable appearance.

Why do you want to be a staff member?: Quite honestly, I love helping people and making myself useful. Maybe it's due to my social difficulties in real life that make me so grateful to be able to help online as I don't tend to struggle here. Either way, I absolutely loved staffing in the past and I would treasure the chance to do it again. Despite the community being smaller nowadays, I want to be part of the team that can revive it back to the fun ol' place it once was. Or, something along those lines.

What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants?: I mean, the current staff are pretty cool as far as I'm aware, so that's a toughie. Qualities in general however, I like to think I'm very open-minded and have a very friendly approach. I've had people say I'm too nice, but I beg to differ. I can lay down the harsh truth when needed and I certainly can discipline in a passive way. I have many interests and am fascinated by topics easily, so having a good chat with the playerbase is not only fun but comes quite natural to me. I have also been quite the avid builder who somehow gained AdvBuilder fairly early on in the server's lifetime, and whilst not quite great at larger scale builds, I have a good eye for detail and potential which is useful for ranking players.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with?: I would simply ask a fellow staff who is available, and if not available, one I know will either be soon or I am familiar with as it's less awkward. If said problem had to be resolved immediately for some reason or another, I would do what I think is best but also inform the person I have not yet been across a situation like this so I will later ask for a second opinion and let them know.

Is there anything else we should know or you want to tell us?: As I've been here for 7 years in March and a lot of you have known me since then, I really hope you can look past my immature self in the past and realize I'm less of an idiot now. Some say I was never but let's be honest, I was cringey. I would also like to add I was going to wait a while to apply so I don't seem like I'm rushing into things that I'll regret, however I can safely say I won't regret it any time soon and if I am accepted, I would rather jump into the role sooner than later so I can get more done. That being said, I would like to say thank you for reading and I really hope you think I'm fit for the role.

Please list your references: Hexical_
(Whilst refs may seem biased as we talk often, I don't think that's the case as Hex has seen me staff in the past. Also, I don't really like bugging people for refs and I kinda wanted to surprise people with this app.)

-Zel c: (Here's a cat as a thanks for reading <3)


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
I guess I'll be the first to reply since I did give you a ref.

I've known you since Blocktopia Buildbox, and you were a very good moderator there. I've realized you've been on a lot more lately than normal, and you've been super helpful with players. You're on around my time a lot (EST) and we don't have many moderators that are on too late into the night there like you are.

Being that you've had previous staff experience, that your app is really well written out, and its apparent you know what you're doing..



Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
You've got the experience and all of that, there's no doubt about that. My only concern is that you've sort of came with your app very suddenly after a return - as you said, a surprise. I think apps shouldn't be a surprise as such - mods should be looking at you and thinking you're doing a good job. You've sort of came back out of nowhere and made your app - I've denied an application for doing that before to a previous mod, and I haven't seen them since. You haven't returned really out of the blue as such, but you've only returned recently, and we need to make sure you will keep up your activity as a mod - we need active mods.

I think it'll be a 0 from me for now, I'm not entirely sure.


The Brutal Create Dictator
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
I'm going to have to put this application on hold. There are a few problems we have with this application.

We will be willing to discuss them in private either via a group chat on Discord or via a group PM on the forums, the choice is yours.

Please feel free to ask us at anytime and thanks for applying!
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