Other Forum Updates + Dark Theme!


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score

Heya Guys! Just dropping in to talk about a few forum changes and updates.
If you notice any bugs, theming errors, or have a suggestion feel free to leave a comment below or message me on discord!

Main Forum

Updated Xenforo, Just some bugfixes it appears.
Cleaned up Staff List, everyone who has left should be the correct rank now.
Introduced Staff List Back! https://escaperestart.com/forum/staff
Archived Arcadia Sub-Forum
Donors Should be able to use gif avatars!
Organized The Archives


Dark Them Introduced! Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Light Theme", then change it over to dark to experience the forums in a new look!
Updated Logo on Light Theme
Merged some old Templates on the Light Theme (Look for weird theme errors)
Messed with front page slider / articles a tad bit

That's all for now, I know its not a huge update but I figured it would be better for me to notify everyone so they are aware of the updates and can help me troubleshoot problems better if they arise. I also want to take this time to mention that I'm currently working on a new survival server, and if you are interested in helping - feel free to fill out this form here.

P.S Congrats to sad, Refresh100, Roku, and Gothboi for becoming new moderators!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
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