The Dark Knight is a 2008 superhero film directed, produced, and co-written by Christopher Nolan. Based on the DC Comics character Batman, the film is the second part of Nolan's Batman film series and a sequel to 2005's Batman Begins. Christian Bale reprises the lead role of Bruce Wayne/Batman, with a returning cast of Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Gary Oldman as James Gordon and Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox. The film introduces the character of Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), Gotham's newly elected District Attorney and the consort of Bruce Wayne's childhood friend Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal), who joins Batman and the police in combating the new rising threat of a criminal mastermind calling himself "The Joker" (Heath Ledger).
Showing 30th August - 23:20 GMT | Click me for time in YOUR area
Solitude Removal
It was an informative week, and we realize it just begun. However we feel that a lot of what we needed to learn in terms of changes that need to be made and plugins that happened to go haywire was learnt and, will most likely be adapted to future versions of the server. Though it is generally agreed it is best left as an event server for a rainy day.For those of you who played and produced the invaluable feedback on what needed to change (things such as map size, content, various faulty plugins we didn’t pickup during beta), i cannot thank you enough. The server was never intended to stick around for too long and, while we’re admittedly cutting it short due to various reasons (lack of interesting its present state, many of our own features were premature, a number of unfortunate absences upcoming in key development team staff), Leaving some peoples experienced unfulfilled. That is not to say we wont test various things and bring it back at a more appropriate time, again, as an event server.
Many thanks for an invaluable abundance of feedback, i promise you it'll be put to good use.
Tl;dr - server undeveloped, staff busy, will return oneday to prod it back up. Thanks for feedback
~ The Solitude Team