Friesian Watusi's Diary


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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Entry #1

Well... Where do I start? I guess my name - I'm Friesian Watusi (also known as "The Cow" by my friends, but we'll come back to that later) and somehow survived the attack that hit my city, in fact not sure if it was only the city as I can't access the news due to all the power being out. The only thing I have left is a book and a few pens which I'm using to write this. If I do die, I hope that this book will live on so if civilization is rebuilt after this event they can read it and see what life was like in my perspective - heck, this might even go in some kinda museum! Anyway, I don't have many hobbies, I was mainly a stay at home, go on laptop kinda guy who didn't care much about the outside world. I have no idea what to do now, and hope that my family and friends are still alive however I doubt that, seeing the house is empty but I can't find any bodies which is odd. A lot of things have burnt and I only see the ash of some objects in the house. Sigh, it's sad to see everything here ruined. I'm gonna try look around the house for some food, weapons, etc... Be back soon.

Entry #2

I'm back, couldn't find anything whatsoever, maybe my family is still alive! But if they are... why did they leave me? They would have known I was alive! No time to dwell on the past, though. I need to get my act together and try and find my friends! But, in this time I might as well talk about my nickname seeing we are goin- wait did I just call myself and my diary a we? Wow, now I feel a little weird. Anyway, seeing I am going to my friends I'll talk about my nickname. Somehow, out of pure luck (or my parent's just making me in reference to TWO COWS) my first name is Friesian, and the Dutch Friesian is a cow. My surname is Watusi, and the Ankole-Watusi is a cow. So, I have two breeds of cows in my name which then lead to my nickname, cow. Anyway, can't write whilst walking so I'll write back soon.

Entry #3

Once again, I'm back and none of my friends were in so I'm just jotting down this entry on a table outside one of my friend's home. I guess I'm lonely in this journey... I'm in solitude...

wait what im not bothered with grammar atm i hear a noise inside the house heck this will be weird ina museum.. the doors openingoh gosh please help me someth- Hang on, that's The Cat (more nicknames, oh great!)... I can't believe she's alive! She's alive!

Quickly going to rewrite the last part for my own sake "Wait what I'm not bothered with grammar at the moment. I hear a noise inside the house, heck this will be weird in a museum... The doors are opening... oh gosh. Please help me, something-"

I'm going to talk to The Cat now, I'll be back sooner or later. I have a LOT to ask.

((Out of character: Hope this was a good first journal and I would like nobody to post on this thread apart from me and possibly nottycat (HINT NOTTYCAT IS THE CAT) so thanks!))


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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Entry #4

Ergh, good morning. All I know now is that a day has past so I'm calling this day YY/YY/YY, makes sense meaning I'll use ZZ/ZZ/ZZ tomorrow (unless I find out the actual date soon) Anyway, I didn't write another entry yesterday because I was just talking to Felis Herus (The Cat) and discussing our plans to survive. Neither of us could find any trace of our families in our homes so we presume they're either... dead OR they survived and went out on their own journeys. Another thing I want to talk about is a dream I had last night, it was quite peculiar, perhaps even a future event in this wasteland! Except that's kinda impossible so, I'll just talk about it anyway.

I awoke in a wasteland-ish but city-ish area next to a large building which I had the first instinct to go inside. I climbed to the top of the building and saw another guy in the building infront of me. I was confused, who the hell is this guy anyway? I decide to try and talk to him but before I can say anything one of his friends sneak up behind me and... kill me. I knew this was weird straight away as, well, if this was a dream and I died I would most likely wake up but it just kept on going! After learning that this was a city full of death and disaster I started to become more sneaky then met up with someone, they said to call them Air. I couldn't say no, and he seemed friendly enough so we ended up teaming up (even though I knew the chances of backstabbing here was very high). Soon we met a guy who said to call them Jolt... Why couldn't anyway said "Hi, my name's [insertnamehere]" instead of "You can call me [insertnamehere]". We ended up finding two people along the names of The Wolf and The Kangaroo, I felt at home here but then that vision was easily broken at the sight of 5 or so people in blue leather clothing, some in iron were shooting and attacking us. Jolt, Air and I were able to get away and meet up with a person who said to call them Pace. We all went... mining. It seemed pretty normal for them but for me it was like "Er, you guys know how to mine?" they didn't respond, as if mining had put them in a trance or something. As it was my first time mining, I kindaaa sucked at it. After a while we all returned back to a certain place. Everyone had found lots of iron, especially Pace who quickly got a full set of iron armor and an iron sword. The best I got was an iron helmet and an iron sword... Now that I think about it, that was good for my first time mining. Ergh, my vision is kinda blurred after that... We went around the city I think however I remember something very distinctly, my second death. Yep, died a second time by those guys in Blue. Once again, I was back... again and met up with Air... again. Not sure what happened now, Pace (who was being attacked by the Blue people) ended up JOINING the Blue people. Pretty silly to me, and I felt as if he betrayed us. Air said something to me along the lines of "By the way, I know this guy called Qube. I'm sure that if we find him we'll be a lot better". So, we went out on a quest to find Qube by asking everyone. Weird thing is, is that none of them even attacked us. Heck, even the Blue team didn't attack us because Pace was friendly with us. After AGES of just asking where this Qube guy is a certain person attacked, I think his name was Bram. We talked before when asking where Qube was and he seemed friendly but, eh, guess not. After he came in and killed Air and I felt a sudden spark in me... That I had to avenge Air. I actually chased after this guy and murdered him... I figured there was no blood and that he was going to come back and it's pretty painless I should just do it. When I thought I was out of luck I found a bit of torn paper where I could barely read "If you find this, please give it to Air. He'll know what to do. ~Qube". So the whoooole cycle happened again of me finding Air, sigh. I gave the piece of paper to Air and he said "Aha! They're in a tower next to a gigantic crater!" At that moment in time, I was stunned. How did you get THAT from THAT message? It doesn't even make sense, well, this whole thing didn't make sense but... okay. We ended up meeting with Qube and his comrades of the Rooftop Gang. Me and Air joined them and lived on their rooftop! Not much happened now but there were a few key points in the future. Firstly, Air told me that the people who killed us the second time was a guy under the name of Zippy and his evil bandit friend... Jammy. Jammy was feared across this land apparently - a force to not be reckoned with! The next key bit happened a while later, I, Friesian Watusi ended up disguising myself as a Blue member and sneaked into their base! When I got there everything had already been destroyed, no guards, no chests, nothing! I was returning back to base until I saw a Blue member! He thought I was in the same group as him so I ended up killing him, hehe! I felt kinda evil but it was okay. Ah, and now the last bit... well. I ended up waking up through this bit which was terrible for me because I needed to know how it ended. After ages of me trying to get back to sleep, I came back to see the team I was in on a different rooftop and that our rooftop was being heavily raided by... The Blues. I asked my team what happened and they said "People called Asae, Orange, Ronaldo and some other people ended up coming into our base, killing everyone and then a few of us escaped onto here. Most of this, despite how exciting it looks was actually boring. When the Blues threatened to come over me and a person called Digi ran away to another building where a person called Darky was in. I woke up again! It was hell, I saw that everyone else had gone and I should revisit my tower, so I did... When I got there I was greeted with a massive pile of ugliness... We ended up having to relocate but I didn't know where! I found a team member in the building who went by the name of Marlem who had been attacked by the Blues. I put my guard down then bam, Marlem backstabbed me and took everything I had. I ended up coming back... when I saw someone I recognised, they were in Green clothing! When I entered their base they said "We're no longer called the Rooftop Gang, instead we're now Green, putting an end to Blue! Not much happened then, I got some green armor but then I unfortunately awoke just when we were about to go on a raid! I felt annoyed and couldn't get back to sleep. Ergh, I need to know what happened but since it was just a dream I couldn't do much. Is this what the future was like? I hope not...

Anyway, I kinda rambled on there so I'm sorry if that was a bit too much... Darn, this blasted pen is running out. Pen 1 gone, 3 pens to go! Eh, this one seems to work. Anyway I must go now, me and Felis have much to discuss.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #5

Well, I kinda skipped yesterday's journals - nothing particularly too eventful happened, except for the night - So should this actually be called... yeah I'll just put this in.

Night ZZ/ZZ/ZZ and Day AA/AA/AAA
Entry #5.5

Well, seeing this is mainly about what happened in the night and I guess it still counts as the night now, I might as well call it this. Hey, that's kinda funny - Night ZZZZZZ, fits perfectly!

Anyway, I'm still getting these weird dreams... I'm not bothered about writing about it SO MUCH now, it made one of my pens run out last time. I'll just sum it up.
Everything is gone and reset
Meet someone called digitalmez, rings bells from the last dream I had.
Go to their base, without knowing it was their base.
Meet digi again and someone called Sephhh.
Live there for ages and develop it into a large society called "Skybase"
Lots of things happen, attacked by several people.
And then I woke up after that and got myself back to sleep a bit later... once again time had moved on in the dream.
Base has been majorly destroyed by a group of bandits, every secret chest was found. Some said the bandits must have been extremely clever because they found every secret chest by digging up from the underground into them ((out of character *cough* X-RAY *cough*))
Follow a person called DarkHender to a new base.
Live there for ages.
Collecting lava to flood city.
Someone made a lava tower.
I woke up and fell back asleep, same as always.
This base has been destroyed, but not sure if raided. Every last bit of stuff is gone, but everyone else is gone too. Maybe we moved again? (I still don't know this!)
Remember how I mined last dream and get a lot of iron.
Make a new set of iron armor and an iron sword.
Starts raining which is very radiated and then is attacked by Zombies.
Wake up, can't be bothered to try and go back so I get up and write this.

Well, that didn't make my pen run out... too much. I don't know what's happening. Maybe the radiation from the attack are making me mad? I did refer to my diary and myself as a we, which was kinda mad. I CAN'T BE GOING MAD. Wait that seemed mad... I think I'm just gonna, er, go now... Bye...

Entry #RY (if you couldn't see, it says Glossary because this is a Glossary entry... haha?)

Though I should add a Glossary incase people can't understand what some of the words I use mean.

Kinda = Kind of
Gotta = Got to
Gonna = Going to
Coulda = Could of
Shoulda = Should of

Yeah, I hope you understand. I'mma (I'm going to) go now so, bye!