Update: The event is now over. Thanks for playing!
Owing to the recent success of our Pixelmon event server as we experiment with providing different Minecraft (and hopefully other game) events, we've decided to do another modpack. This time, FTB Infinity Evolved. The modpack is "the general all-purpose pack from the FTB team" - in other words, it has something for most people. See https://www.feed-the-beast.com/ for the download links.
The event will run from Friday 9th June (so we can maximise the weekend) at 8pm GMT (9pm BST, 4pm EST) - which is flexible if we feel a different time/date would be better - to whenever people stop playing it. The server IP will be lobby.escaperestart.com:25568. We hope to see you there!
(PS: Pixelmon has indeed closed, and its world download is located at lobby.escaperestart.com/Pixelmon.tar.gz. The file is about 1.58GB. Also, there's a meeting on Saturday at 8 pm GMT. You should go to it. Meetings are cool.)
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