[GAME OVER - TOWN WIN] The Comedy Club


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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You wake up, your vision slightly hazy. You are in a large room with red carpets and white, cracked walls. A chandelier hangs clumsily above from a holey, worn looking ceiling. It smells like dust. There are other people around you.

There is a sudden loud and painful noise, like the turning on of a loudspeaker. A voice bellows throughout the room:


"Ah. Welcome. Each and every one of you. Please, take a moment to get used to your, er, new surroundings. Not too long though. We are in a bit of a hurry.

I am – well, it doesn’t matter who I am. What matters is who you are. You all have, I’m sure, a hazy memory for where you are, how you got here, etcetera etcetera. Let me fill you in.

You are at the Comedy Club now. You will stay here until you die. And that is final.

Feel free to take a moment to digest that information. Try not to panic. The ones that panic are usually the ones that go first.

You see, there is a performance tonight. And tomorrow night. Every night in fact. Every single night for the rest of eternity. And of course, that means we need performers. Comedians. You have been selected. The last batch all died off.

Anyway, this is how it's going to work. One of you, I don’t care which, will step out on stage tonight and deliver your best performance. You will make the crowd laugh. You will. There is no argument to be had. If you don’t, I lose my job, and we can’t have that. Oh no.

So, decide amongst yourselves who it is going to be. Voting has worked well in the past. Try that. The one who crosses the threshold of the majority goes out on stage.

Oh and, er, look in your hands if you haven’t already. You have a pamphlet. It was originally an advertisement for this club but I asked one of the last batch to make it into something more useful. It’s a collection of notes and diary entries and photographs that the last batch made before they all died. I think you’ll hopefully find it useful. I want as many of you to survive so that you can perform on stage of course. So, maybe, with this, you can do a much better job of it than the previous groups.

Don’t open the pamphlet yet. Save that for Night. Ah, Night… That’s something else I’ve got to talk to you about… but, er, it’s a bit of a touchy subject, so I’ll let what I’ve already said settle in for a while first. Hm, yes. So yes, er, forget about Night for the time being. For now, you have work to do. Choose someone to go out on stage and perform. And don’t test my patience, or theirs.

Oh, and you also have a little card as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Write something on it. Freezing up on stage is the last thing you want to happen to you. Believe me."


There is a sound like a microphone turning off. It is silent. You look around at the others, and take in a bit more of the room. You notice a raised platform at the back of the room with a big red curtain draped across the back of it. At the other end of the room there is a box of what look like flashlights. On the wall next to it there is a faint but large scratch of lines. It looks like writing. You squint. It says “It Is Alive”.

You look around again at the others.


It is now Day 0. It takes 7 votes to send somebody out on stage, and 6 votes to refuse. For Day 0 only, majority has to be reached to send somebody out on stage. A deadline will be set for the end of the day once all role PMs have been confirmed.


1. Alisha (Died N3)
2. Timdood3
3. Ltin
4. Stranger from Planet 9 (Sent On Stage Day 1)
5. Omni (Died N1)
6. Mooglie (Died N4)
7. hipmeow
8. Nottykitten (Sent On Stage Day 3)
9. TheWeakGuy48_ (Died N2)
10. HKCaper (Sent On Stage Day 2)
11. webpaige
12. sessybessy


Day 0 End
Day 1 End
Day 2 End
Day 3 End

Most Recent Votecount:

sessybessy - hipmeow (1/4)

Last edited:


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
A chandelier hangs clumsily above from a holey, worn looking ceiling. It smells like dust.
a) chandelier bing
b) is holey a word
c) couldnt just have just said it was dusty
There is a sudden loud and painful noise, like the turning on of a loudspeaker.
LIKE the turning on of a loudspeaker, or it was literally a loudspeaker i'm not sure i agree with the use of a simile here
anyone who says er and not uh is a freak
You all have, I’m sure, a hazy memory for where you are, how you got here, etcetera etcetera
is 'for' correct here instead of 'of'
There is a sound like a microphone turning off.
LIKE the turning off of a microphone, or it was literally a microphone i'm not sure i agree with the use of a simile here

also the font is ugly


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
a) chandelier bing
b) is holey a word
c) couldnt just have just said it was dusty

LIKE the turning on of a loudspeaker, or it was literally a loudspeaker i'm not sure i agree with the use of a simile here

anyone who says er and not uh is a freak

is 'for' correct here instead of 'of'

LIKE the turning off of a microphone, or it was literally a microphone i'm not sure i agree with the use of a simile here

also the font is ugly
look from your pov you don't know for sure if those sounds are what they are so YES it's a simile!


Mafia Host
May 16, 2016
Reaction score
A chandelier hangs clumsily above from a holey, worn looking ceiling. It smells like dust.
c) couldnt just have just said it was dusty
"Then all of a suddenly, an horrible man with red eyes and no nose and everything started flying towards me on a broomstick! He didn’t have a nose (basically like Voldemort in the movie) and he was wearing all black but it was obvious he wasn’t gothic. It was…… Voldemort!"


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
How dare you hurt that poor font's feelings, you monster! That font is beautiful!
look you're not off the hook for stealing my stacey role name for yourself i hold grudges
look from your pov you don't know for sure if those sounds are what they are so YES it's a simile!
but what else would it be! i'm no idiot
"Then all of a suddenly, an horrible man with red eyes and no nose and everything started flying towards me on a broomstick! He didn’t have a nose (basically like Voldemort in the movie) and he was wearing all black but it was obvious he wasn’t gothic. It was…… Voldemort!"
this better not be from that fanfic