Other [Gamenight #4] Golf With Your Friends


  • Golf With Your Friends

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • Civilization V

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Just Cause 2 Multiplayer

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Space Station 13

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • OpenSpades

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dec 18, 2011
Reaction score
Guess what time it is! GameNight time! This Saturday, 14.04, directly after the meeting at around 8:30PM UTC![Translator] You are free to come and go, it should be possible to also join later on!
Game suggestions are still welcome!

We are playing Golf with Your Friends after the meeting today!
Be there, you probably will be, but be there! And have fun! (Also seriously be there, I just bought it)

Game Description:
If you have friends that is.
It’s a golf game, 16 players max and uh, it costs money. Definitely fun! Or I was told at least.
Yet again this was requested.(4GB)
Steam link

The games were mostly randomly picked, so get voting!

Golf with your Friends
If you have friends that is.
It’s a golf game, 16 players max and uh, it costs money. Supposed to be pretty fun…
Yet again this was requested.(4GB)
Steam link

Civilization V
Ready for some madness? This is going to take a fair bit amount of time to play, but if you are patient enough, it can be lots of fun! No limit to player amount… It does cost money though.(8GB)
If everyone wants to, mods can be played as well.
Steam link

Just Cause 2 Multiplayer
Now this is actual madness… With enough people. It’s possible to do races, roadtrips or crash some planes with no survivors.
Requires Just Cause 2(not free)(10GB)
Steam link// Just Cause 2 link

Space Station 13
A bit complicated and aged, but free RPG. You are part of a crew of a space station and are supposed to maintain it. Random happen along with some traitors along your own ranks. So… Watch out. It’s free!
Game link

It’s just like Minecraft but with guns. Max players is 32 so there should be enough space. Also, some of you probably remember the game “Ace of Spades”, it is exactly like that…(the old one, not the new one). Can be used for mountain removal as well. Freee
Game link
VOTE NOW (multiple votes allowed)
And see you on Saturday!
Poll closes on Friday!
See you after the meeting!


Password: GG

More information about Gamenights:
There will be a gamenight every other weekend, e.g. every 2 weeks hosted by the friendly staff of EscapeRestart and organized by me.

So you might ask, how does a Gamenight work? What is Gamenight? What do I have to do to participate?
Simple, a server gets hosted, players come and go, be it community members or outsiders and people have fun.
Now, what do you, the player have to do? Nothing. Just join whenever you feel like, have fun in whatever game we might be playing and look forward to the next event.

The main point of these Gamenights is to give the community something special. Something members can look forward to, to end the monotony, which is why the gamenight won’t be fixated on a single game but will try to explore multiple games, known or unknown, which we together as a community can enjoy.
Now you might ask, why not just make a permanent server?
This is to avoid burning out the playerbase. Would the server be made permanent and just change the game bi-weekly, it certainly would certainly not be filled at all times, which defeats the entire purpose of this event.
Now, you surely won’t like what kind of games I pick for the gamenight, which is why I’m asking you to send me suggestions. I will make sure to open a poll for the next gamenight, which will be in about 2 weeks from now to make the event host your favorite game.
Required Criteria:
-It has a multiplayer, it makes no sense to suggest a singleplayer game for a multiplayer event.
-It supports a sufficient amount of playerslots (More than 3)
Bonus points if it fullfills these additional criteria:
-It’s free.
-The gamesize is relatively small
-The more playerslots possible the better
-Many in the Community have it.(When it isn’t free)
Request yer damn games! Just PM me here or message me on Discord.
Keep in mind, once a game has been put up for an event, it won’t be considered for the next 2 events, to keep the selection of games spread out.

In case you have any more questions, feel free to ask them. I also don’t mind any suggestions for improvement or pointing out mistakes.

Let the games commence!
Note: The logo isn't final. Suggestions and submissions welcome
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