General Rant: Complaint Central



Welcome, my new home.

Let me start with a rant (Yes, another) about the Flash TV show.
There have been several questions attaining to Harrison Wells: The man from the future who seems to want to protect the Flash at all costs.
An actor has already been placed under the name "Eddie Thawne". He's turning up as a recurring character, and is in a relationship with Iris West. This turns to pull Barry apart. Now, going off the comics, when Eobard Thawne came from the future, he developed a romantic interest for Iris, but Iris ender out with Barry. This enraged Eobard, causing him to kill Barry's mother and become his arch-nemesis: Professor Zoom. With some tweaks, this is the way things are going with Eddie - and I wouldn't be surprised if he changed his name, either: The name "Eobard" is kinda fishy.
What the hell. Just because the new writer of the Flash's comics with a twist doesn't mean this is Barry from the future. Yes. The actors do bare a slight resemblance. However, Barry wouldn't stoop that low, EVER. It would also create a huge plot hole, being it that the newspaper saying the Flash had vanished would have to be after he disappeared. Even though it's digital mail, it cannot time-travel. Simple as that.

Whilst Hunter Zolomon was an enemy of Wally West - and would serve to be an unconventional main villain for a Flash TV show, here's the facts. In the comics, Hunter Zolomon tried to help Wally by any means necessary - even if it meant harming him. Hunter Zolomon was - falsely - in a wheelchair. On top of this, Hunter is one of the least-known villains that are spectacularly executed. He would deserve some publicity, and being it that Girder and the Pied Piper have been casted, I think that's what Geoff Johns (The writer of The Flash comics preceding the New 52 and the Director[?] of The Flash) is aiming for


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
I hate useless threads that people post and yet still somehow they get kinda popular also i hate when people dont use proper grammar and punctuation and also fucking magnets like how the fuck to they work and holy shit im actually reading this outloud and im saying it all in one breath and oh yeah i hate breathing ok im done. People suck.


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
I hate how bad I am at friendships, I probably lost more friends because of my silly actions than anything else.
If you're losing friends for being who you are; doing "silly" things that most would not think of, get on board, it's not your fault that they are overly judgmental of you.

I hate looking at past things ive done and realizing i cant hide from my shameful past because of the internet.
Not sure if you would want to be of the heroic sort, but:
One of the elements defining what a hero is (or at least, in my opinion), is how the react to their own mistakes.
Should you run and hide from your own mistakes, you simple run and hide from your self.
A hero, though, would be willing to learn from their mistakes, improve upon themselves, and in the future, make sure not to make the same mistake again.

And now for a brief list of thing I would like to address with rant on about present things:
Firstly, luck! Let's put it this way, Luck and I haven't exactly been the best of friends. Let's put it as that.
Secondly. broke/OP kits/maps/enemies. Enless it's one OP enemy (A.K.A, a fun boss), simply no!
Thirdly, personal judging. I do not judge you for what you are, I only judge you by what you do. I'd like the same from all.