As the title says, general technology thread! Post all your technological wins and woes.
So what pieces of kit have you recently got, what projects are on your mind (hardware and software), and any tips of the trade to pass on to others.
I'll start off Today, I've gotten myself one of the first batch of the raspberry pi microprocessing system (Model B) for about 30 quid, quite cheap for a system of it's power. My first challenge is to try and get it to respond to being plugged into a PC through a USB port. MY next challenge would be to get a PSP LCD to recieve video footage from it using an adaptor. From there, no clue
So, what's teching you so long?
So what pieces of kit have you recently got, what projects are on your mind (hardware and software), and any tips of the trade to pass on to others.
I'll start off Today, I've gotten myself one of the first batch of the raspberry pi microprocessing system (Model B) for about 30 quid, quite cheap for a system of it's power. My first challenge is to try and get it to respond to being plugged into a PC through a USB port. MY next challenge would be to get a PSP LCD to recieve video footage from it using an adaptor. From there, no clue
So, what's teching you so long?