Genre Prefixes


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys! We decided to create prefixes for certain gaming genres within this forum. Some genres have been combined together to simplify things whilst others have their own (though that may change). We're sorting out the previous threads and adding a respective genre prefix to them-- If you notice that a thread should be labeled differently then please notify me (Psycho).

What the prefixes do is filter the threads within this forum. So if you click on the "[BCOLOR=#ff0000]Strategy-Simulation[/BCOLOR]" prefix you will then get a list of threads within that genre. It's a quick way to sort threads out and see what type of game genres other members in this Community are into.

If you plan to post in this forum then you will be required to set a prefix for your thread. Please give your thread a prefix close to the genre of the game, but if you really don't know what your thread falls under then just choose "Other".
