Gonkus' Operator Application

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Survival Staff
Feb 18, 2012
Reaction score
Ingame username: Gonkus

Rank requested: Operator

Age: 23

Would anyone be willing to reference you (players or staff): Defiant_blob

In less than 140 Characters, tell us about yourself. A Scottish Minecraft player who has been part of this community since Late 2009, previously an operator on both Lava and SMP.

What achievements are you most proud of? Becoming a leader at church camp

What do you think your position entails? Being an active, welcoming and helpful presence on the SMP server, being ready to help people who have any issues and being prepared to undertake a mediation role in any disputes.
Given the likelihood that, there are 'other' candidates for this position - why should we pick you? I have experience as an operator on the SMP server before and also having been an operator on lava, I am used the the role and what it entails.

You get given six months to live, list the things you'd like to do. Take a tour around America, go see my family in America and Canada

Finally - how much time do you think you spent on this application and, do you think it is appropriate?: I spent about an hour over the course of several weeks, the most part taking a 20 minute session with gathering refs taking the rest and I feel this is appropriate


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

I have seen you in-game a lot, and mark my words, what I'm saying here is going to be genuine, not the cheesy bullshit I usualy produce. You are a good guy, which influences your grip on the playerbase. You don't stand out quite yet but a rank really does suport that. I believe that your personal experience is far beyond mine aswell; where I tend to be immature you can resist throwing in a snide remark. You've had experiences from faaaar back and I can still remember your sincerety when you banned me. You are a good guy, now all I want to do is call you a good partner on the team.

For those reason I believe you should become staff.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
It is sure fun with you around, but I am not that much convinced about the staffing part yet. Possibly, because your application was a tad short, and your references response as well. From my own experience you help out nicely, just tend to become a bit irritated from my point of view when people barely listen or ignore your speech.


Survival Staff
Feb 18, 2012
Reaction score
It is sure fun with you around, but I am not that much convinced about the staffing part yet. Possibly, because your application was a tad short, and your references response as well. From my own experience you help out nicely, just tend to become a bit irritated from my point of view when people barely listen or ignore your speech.
For the length of the application I felt there was nothing else to add that would improve rather than hinder my application as I'm not particularly expressive for formal writing. Now the refs, Def was the only one who agreed to ref me of the people I asked, the others declined for their own reasons. And I do get annoyed when people don't listen when I am talking to them, it's true; it was generally when I was trying to help, and that is tantamount to me talking a brick wall.


^ Pretend this is a capital
Jan 7, 2012
Reaction score
I've only seen you once or twice too, The one time I helped you with some grief, you seemed polite enough, But since I haven't seen you enough to give an accurate decision I'm going with a 0


SMP Vetop
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I would give a rating of "o" since i don't see you on very much (time zones?). Other people have given you admiration for your past experience and i was not around back then but if what everyone else that says about you is true it would be nice to have a smp operator who has past smp experience. The main thing that makes me think this would result in a 0 from me is that the way staffing an smp server now and back then may have changed, but an op trial could fix that if you are given the chance for you to learn the basics again.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
When I've seen you in game, you've been helpful and friendly. But I'm not sure I've seen you enough yet to put a +1, although that is most likely my fault not yours.
Therefore I'm going to stick with a 0 at the moment. However, if I see you that little bit more before the app closes, I'd be happy to change my vote to +1.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
To be honest, I am not that really convinced and comfortable yet with the responses given so far.
I see that some of the staff would like to have you in the staff team, but that is only three so far out of all staff.
But, I am not going to close it abruptly this close to an approval...

So I see this as the perfect chance for you and the (neutral) staff to get to know each other some better.
And as well a good moment for them to make up their mind for who are doubting between approval or letting you stay at the player rank.
Will extend your application with a ~week, good luck. ^_^


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'm kind of torn over gonkus in general. From what I saw of him in the current form of SMP he seemed friendly and has definitely stepped up a lot since when I initially saw him as a staff member here nearly 2 years back. But at the same time, he still has shown some attitude issues through the occasional case of talking back against others, whether negatively or with arrogance. The short application has also shown that he seems a bit brief in regards to the role.

But with his past operator experience, I say he could be given the benefit of the doubt. I'm more in favor of a trial, but if that can't be bestowed, it's going to have to be a 0 from me I'm afraid.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
It only just hit four positive replies, with some of them giving you feedback as well.
In my eyes it is more appropiate to work on the things mentioned, which is mostly just the communication between you and a player when you help out.
So, I prefer if you take a some time to work on that part, and re-apply about two weeks or more, whenever you feel that the empty spot is filled.
Because I really, really, really find the communication between staff and the players important, and I find there is something to improve on that.
But, I am full confident on saying that you will eventually fill that spot, and I hope you will anytime in the future.
For now I thank you for your interest in staffing, and maybe till soon in the team. ^_^
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