Gossip is gossip, and I don't like it.
The worst kind of gossip is malicious, slandering stuff. But then there's the not so bad, but still bad stuff, like this:
to take into account that saying "omg did you hear Bambi fell off a car and broke 16 ribs"
Now I see this as still bad, because it wouldn't exactly give you happy feelings being told this.
But I don't think that gossip arises out of intentional slander as much as we think.
Example progression.
Situation: kid's dad has cancer. Has to go with him when he gets chemo.
If the kid tells one of their friends, words it badly ("I have to go to the chemo place"), it could easily become speculation that the kid has cancer. Somebody who is only distantly connected to the kid is told (or just overhears, which is more likely to spin it the wrong way) and assumes that the speculation is fact.
That was a bad example, but I'm sure you get the point.