Hand Sketches


Apr 14, 2012
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I was bored so I decided to sketch my left hand in several different poses because I could. I scanned them onto my family computer, then transferred them onto my laptop. After looking at them properly, I realised that I should have cleaned my scanner first. (I also shouldn't have been eating lasagne at the time because now some of them have lasagne stains...) They didn't show up very well at first but I used Adobe Photoshop to change the brightness and contrast, to make them more viewable.

My first attempt. I think it turned out all right, except for the weird skinny index finger which doesn't really show up on paper.

I like this one better than the first one, even though it took me longer to draw.

Heh. This one got the most lasagne stains. The thumb isn't up straight because I started at the bottom of my hand and drew upwards. By the time I got to drawing my thumb, it was getting too sore to stay up straight :p I stuffed up the wrinkles on the palm of the hand a little because it looks a bit like the hand's holding something.

This one is my personal favourite because it looks better on paper. I don't think I used an eraser much for this one, that's why there's a lot of sketch lines on the ring finger.

My second attempt at drawing a hand with a pencil. I don't think this one is as good as the other one with the pencil and I think I was being kinda lazy while drawing it.

Just a random painting I did a few months ago of some cats. I stuffed up outlining the 3rd one though.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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I love sketching my hand x) paying attention to every detail to make it look realistic. Once drew my hand drawing my hand drawing my hand hahaha

Luverly sketches though. Of course, I'm sure you can see which sketches could use work and why ;) As nothing is perfect and can always be improved~
The second one is my personal favorite though :3


Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Your hand sketches are really good! I'm normally really lousy at the hands when I'm drawing a human figure ;u; I really really really like the last drawing, the cats are just so cute and fluffy (I apologise for my obsession over cats XD). What pens did you use to color? Copic? :eek: