Haunt Costume Design


Feb 4, 2013
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Ello guys. As some of you on BB already know I'm actually a staff actor at a haunted attraction in the fall. I'm almost done with initial setup for my character this season and felt I'd just post some stuff behind how I actually got my outfit together. It's interesting but there are just hundreds of little tricks and methods when making costumes for the haunt industry that would never apply in any other place. We use everything from sealing caulk to butane torches. Firstly here are the masks that I've used before at the haunt-

This was very barebones and basic because it was basically the first thing I had made. It had a very small self-contained LED light inside of the mask but it was dim and barely noticeable. Looking back it was a good start but wasn't too great.

Because I was less than satisfied with the old mask I started again from scratch. Both of my masks started out as standard Israeli Civilian Gas Masks, primarily because they are in surplus and usually are cheap- plus with some modifications they most resemble old WWII modeled masks.To keep the character looking consistant I stitched up the sides just like last year and removed the glass over my right eye (this is also done to prevent my breath from fogging out my vision. I used some surgical tubbing to give things a more frankenstien look, and added extended rings around the eyes to make it look more like it's WWII conterpart.

This is my new baby. It is a completely new mask made from the ground up. The lights inside are now professional grade and wired up to a battery back in my pocket to allow for quick battery changes in a pinch. The haunt industry actually has a special grade of fake blood that roughly 20 people in the world know how to make because it dries quickly, stays on permanently, and always looks fresh/wet no matter how long it's been on something. I was lucky enough to be able to use some to make it look like my mask is always glistening with fresh gore.

All in all the jacket and pants might have taken longer than the mask itself. My upper body alone consists of 3 different layers of clothing. This picture is a bit outdated, the newest version has some subtle fire damage. I couldn't find a good picture of them but I also wear knee-high leather combat boots.

Any questions about the outfit- or just my job in general feel free to ask


Feb 4, 2013
Reaction score
Lucked out and found 4 ammo boxes somebody was about to throw out. Took 2 of them and I'm trying to turn them into an interesting pack for my character.

The initial setup where I belted them together.

A bit of additional dressing and distressing done