Hello there blocktopians, i have a small question, how a forum can deal with spammers, i'm on the SCP CB forums, and there's a lot of spammers making useless threads, so anyone knows how to stop them?
well is most forums there are rules against it like in Blocktopia it's rule 3. (3. No spamming is permitted, whatsoever.) but for your forums I could not find any rules (anywhere), but contact one of the people in these lists about the issue: http://z13.invisionfree.com/Regalis/index.php?act=Stats&CODE=leaders
Blocktopia makes a lot of use from the report feature. Plus, an account or IP can be banned from this site. If spammers can get away with spamming, its probably because their administrators aren't active enough to moderate the site.(Or our playerbase is just too sexy to spam amirite?)