How to beat [insert main here] in lane


Aug 12, 2011
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Hello! I am xx[champ name]xx01 and I a diamond [champ name] main and am here to teach you how to play against [champ name]![sup]pls riot my main is totally balanced[/sup]
I see many people in soloqueue who don't know how to play against [champ name] in lane. Well I am here to help because [champ name] has abusable weaknesses. [champ name]'s weakness is that if you deny them every cs in lane and don't let them get any kills then they will be useless! Also, if [champ name] tries to roam you can easily counter the roam and kill them. Also, if [champ name] tries to go all in on your champion, just run away, because [champ name] totally doesn't have the kit to chase and kill people who show any signs of running away, because [champ name] is totally balanced and has little damage.

Another trick in lane is use your champ's abilities. See, a champion who has abilities that can do damage can easily win trades against [champ name] because damage = win trades. Easy! Also, just dodge [champ name]'s skillshots because then you wont take damage and that means you can easily win. The key trick here is just damage [champ name] and dont let [champ name] damage you. This is a key weakness of [champ name] and is why winning lane against [champ name] is easy.

Thank you for reading my guide. I hope now people stop qqing about [champ name] and realize that they don't need nerfs or changes.

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