Types of Claim
There are two distinct types of claim, and they behave slightly differently. To view how many claims of each type you both own and can create, use:
/claim limits. Higher ranks unlock more claims and chunks.
1. Personal Claims
These are designed for solo players or small clans. After creating the claim, you may only add as many additional chunks as your allowance allows (via /claim limits).
Create a new claim by running /claim create personal <name>.
2. Kingdom Claims
Designed for clans or large groups.
Claiming or un-claiming a chunk
To claim a chunk, simply stand within the chunk you wish to claim, and run /claim chunk <claim>. You can remove the chunk from your claim by typing /claim unclaim <claim>
Adding Friends & Managing Permissions
To add a player to your claim, use /claim trust <claim> <player>. To remove the player again, use /claim untrust <claim> <player>.
By default, a player who has been added to your claim has the ability to perform all actions. However, if you wish to limit their access to certain actions, you may use /claim allow/disallow <claim> <player> [actions...].
The following is a list of actions that are available:
Misc Commands
There are two distinct types of claim, and they behave slightly differently. To view how many claims of each type you both own and can create, use:
/claim limits. Higher ranks unlock more claims and chunks.
1. Personal Claims
These are designed for solo players or small clans. After creating the claim, you may only add as many additional chunks as your allowance allows (via /claim limits).
Create a new claim by running /claim create personal <name>.
2. Kingdom Claims
Designed for clans or large groups.
- Members of the claim can donate chunk allowance to the kingdom using /claim donate <claim> [chunks]
- When donating chunk allowances, a player may only donate as many chunks as you they available (via /claim limits)
- Any members of the claim who have the manage permission may claim chunks using /claim chunk within the claim
- You may obtain a refund from donated chunks using /claim refund <claim> [chunks]
Claiming or un-claiming a chunk
To claim a chunk, simply stand within the chunk you wish to claim, and run /claim chunk <claim>. You can remove the chunk from your claim by typing /claim unclaim <claim>
Adding Friends & Managing Permissions
To add a player to your claim, use /claim trust <claim> <player>. To remove the player again, use /claim untrust <claim> <player>.
By default, a player who has been added to your claim has the ability to perform all actions. However, if you wish to limit their access to certain actions, you may use /claim allow/disallow <claim> <player> [actions...].
The following is a list of actions that are available:
- break_blocks
- damage_entities
- doors
- interact_blocks
- interact_entities
- manage (kingdoms only)
- place_blocks
- redstone
- use_containers
- vehicles
Misc Commands
- /claim outline - Shows an outline of the boundaries of your claim
- /claim list - Lists all your claims
- /claim info <claim> [overview | chunks | donations | friends | friend] - Shows information about a claim
- /claim displayname <claim> [name] - Sets a display name for a claim
- /claim delete <claim> - Deletes a claim
- /claim transfer <new-owner> - Transfers a claim to a new owner
- /claim toggle <claim> <option> - Toggles specific settings for a claim
- /claim flag <flag> [enable | disable | toggle] - Enables/disables a particular flag within your claim. Use this to control PVP