I want to go home.


Aug 6, 2011
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I came up with this idea a while back and recently stumbled across the final product as I was browsing through my documents. Brownie points if you understand the reference.

I want to go home.

I heard that there was a new amusement park set up just within walking distance so armed with my money I headed on down. I bought a ticket noticing that it was great value for such a new place but whatever. I wasn't going to complain.

Heading towards the information kiosk I bought a map to help me navigate my way around. I found a great balloon store so I thought sure, why not? The place was filling up pretty quickly with people so I decided to hop on the ferris wheel. It wasn't very thrilling so as soon as I got off I aimed for the huge rollercoaster I had seen when I entered the park. The queue was long and it felt like I had been waiting ages but I finally got on and it was great! After I got out the exit I punched the air out of excitement however one guy who also got on the rollercoaster didn't seem to be able to stomach the ride and promptly threw up beside me. It was at that point I noticed that the path around me was disgusting. There was litter everywhere and the bins were over flowing. After an hour or two of trying out the rides I decided that it was time to leave. This is where things got very odd.

I took out my park map scanning for the exit of the park but I couldn't see it anywhere. It was too crowded to continue standing around so I took a seat on a nearby bench and thought about my next course of action. Everywhere I looked the rides were breaking down but no-body else seemed to notice or care for that matter. It was all getting too much for me and I was suffocating around the masses of people walking around me. I lept up from the bench and in my panic I let go of my balloon. In one beautiful moment of peace from being crowded I watched it float up into the sky. It didn't get very far until it popped. I dropped down back to reality feeling myself go slowly insane. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was constantly being watched. All I could think of was home.

"I want to go home"
"I want to go home"
"I want to go home"
"I want to go home"