Declined [Infection] Four Seasons - By Special_H

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Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Map Name: Four Seasons

Map Authors: Special_H
Game Type: Infection
Map Worldborder: 64 x 64
Download: /warp fourseasons
Game Time: 11600, locked
Preparation time: 30 seconds
Round Time: 5:30

[Optional] Minimum amount of players: 3
[Optional] Maximum amount of players: 16

Spawn Locations: Center of the map.

[Optional] Can sprint: Yes
[Optional] Fall damage:
[Optional] Can drown:
[Optional] Kits:




Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Special_H, I want to thank you for submitting a map :)

First I want to say that I really like the theme of the map, four seasons. I do have one question, 2 of the 4 seem very similair, can you explain the difference between the 2?

Next off, while on first sight the parts seem to be different, when taking a closer look it seems like it is the same layout, but just rotated over 90 or 180 degrees. It would be nice to see a bit more differences between the layout of the parts, like the tunnels underneath the maps are the same right now, maybe make them all more different.

Then as a last thing, I am not sure if the map will work too well for Infection. Because the map is quite simple, like it is quite open, it might not fit for infection. You have to options in my eyes:

1. Change to ffa, but you'll need kits. (we (or I) can help you with that, if you want ffa.)

2. Make some changes, like some parkour or extra structures. Because the map is quite small, it could work really well for when there are 5 or less players on. I actually think it would be nice, since often when there is like 3 or 2 players on, some maps are quite large.

I am looking forward to your respond, I would appreciate it if you could reply in this thread (so everyone can read it), but of course you can ask things ingame as well.


Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
im going to keep it as infection becuase im going to change some things and the tunnles are the same because its going thrugh sesons but i get the ider of changeing them up a bit will u help me make it more like and infection map


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Hello special, thanks for your submission.

First I would like to say that I really like the concept. I also think the size will work good for a infection map. However, there are a few things I believe you can do to improve your map.

The first and probably my most concerning one is about the gameplay overall. I believe it will be quite hard to manage to parkour and run around, and to survive. I see you have included some parkour, but I feel they are a bit weirdly placed around and kind of difficult to enter while being chased, especially the ladders. The parkour also seem to lead to dead ends or back to the ground again(

. I also see you have added some tunnels, underground places and a maze. At least one place (the water place underground (
)) does also not seem to have any other outrances than the way you got in. In general I think that many people would just camp in tunnels underground, which could be quite frustrating for a hunter, if he cannot find the survivors.

To fix these issues I believe you somehow have to add more parkour which is easy to access, and which leads to somewhere. You should also make the underground place easier to access, and to easier to run throught.
I think the easiest way to do this is to terraform a little bit more, and add more obstacles around to jump on and to. For instance you could move the river a bit down or add wider hills. My general rule for terraforming is that: if you cannot see which y-level you started to build on, it is good. For obstacles it is just to be creative. You could make bigger presents, stone, small trees, or other things. You could also add random blocks, to make the parkour easier to jump through.

To make the underground easier to access and to run throught, an idea could be to make rooms, tunnels and entrances less cramped, and bigger (here are some examples of cramped places:

). If you did that I think it would be much easier to run through. Also, this jump here very difficult since your head hits the roof: therefore higher the roof (

To make these changes simpler I also think you could make the map rotated (so it looks either like a mountain in the middle, or 4 hills at each corner of the map) instead of pasting it in the same direction as it is. However, that is just what I think.

Overall, I think that the map will play out decent, and it is currently a 0. With some of these changes I will consider a 1+.
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