

Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score

As far as the eye can see.

I’ve become used to it. It’s a familiar sight, occasionally broken up by snow-capped mountains that take far too long to climb. I’m fairly sure the dirt has permanently stained the soles of my feet. I had a pair of patchy leather boots, but they wore out a while ago. When the arrow sliced the left’s sole, I tried typing it up with some string. Then both toes were incinerated in the explosion. I think myself lucky to have gotten away as unmarked as I did. Only the boot toes and the end of my pants. And a few burns, but compared to the harsh sun, I barely notice them. Since that incident, I try to avoid the green mobs. The soles on my boots eventually wore so thin, holes started forming at the toe and heel.

I still have the scrappy leather in my pack. Maybe it will come in handy some time.

Hunger pangs at my stomach. Another constant. The few loaves of stale bread that once filled my bag had long since been finished. I have resorted to what I can find. I gnaw at the tough flesh, hardened by the heat. It fills my stomach, and I try not to think too much about where it came from.
The sun is slowly setting. The night is my escape. The temperature lowers considerably and the moon comes out.

And so do the mobs.

I pull my makeshift sword out. I need to stock up my food supplies. Especially if I want to take that mining trip I’ve been planning.

A few Zombies are lingering about twenty meters away. I kill them easily and grab the flesh that drops afterwards. A skeleton spots me and slices through my tunic with a well-aimed arrow.

I whip around, running at the thing.

I get another arrow in the calf before it dies. I pull the arrow out, stopping the blood with my hand. I’ve wondered on multiple occasions if this is the right thing to do, but without bandages or medical supplies, pulling the arrow out is about the best I can do.

Being distracted by the arrow, I didn’t even notice the thing come up behind me. I only realise when I hear a hissing sound from behind. I stumble back, but it isn’t enough. The explosion ruptures through my ears and a searing pain infects my leg.

I black out.