It's time to melt away, like a Snowma..n


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I've realised over the last couple of months or so that I've only been logging in a handful of times and that was mostly to contribute to threads where I really couldn't input much. It's not like I've lost faith in this community but more life is moving on and inbetween working, gaming and being a hardcore badass on my exercise bike I feel like I'm not really a huge part of Blockstart or Escapopia. I couldn't even contribute much to Creative Corner (really fucked up on that one but hey the competition was still great, right?)

In response I'm going to do what I do best and throw money at my problems one last time and fill up yo donation bar. See it as a sorry for not doing my bit on the forums and a big thank you for all the laughs an' shit. You can still catch me on steam under snowysnowma (I believe that's correct)

Be good to eachother lolIknowyouwontyouareallsuchheartlessbastards x

- Snowma

Edit: I'm still with your ex-asshat, and I will look after him for you Iguana

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