JayJay's Operator Application

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The Melon
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
In-game name: JayJayWizard

References: NogTrog, davidjl123
Timezone: GMT
Have you ever staffed another Blocktopia server before? If yes, when?
Are you good at organization and planning? Well, I love to follow schedule and know where everything is, especially if its an event planned by myself or others. When I organise things offline I like it to be tidy and well organised due to the fact that that's my kind of lifestyle. If I were to organise an event, I would like to make sure that I include things like clear instructions and helpful notes and I would make sure I check things over before even considering bringing it up. I believe that organisation combined with good planning could make a successful event and I do think I could have some of these key things. As well as this, I would always think stuff over and play it round in my head before doing anything about it such as bringing it up on the forums. I love to plan things out and know where everything is going to be and where everyone should be and what would happen if this happened ect, I think this is key to hosting a great event.
What sets you above other potential applicants? Why should we choose you?
I'm pretty confident that I will have a positive ontime and should be on blocktopia a lot. Though, there is one thing you should know about my accessibility to blocktopia, I do lots of swimming training and I am about to have to increase my training to 14 hours a week. Though I can assure you that I will be on when I can such as Weekends and still a considerable amount of time in the week because I will be going morning training sessions, which will free up my nights. As well as a positive ontime, I believe that I will be able to host events either monthly or weekly, depending on how busy I am etc. I also aspire to make other people, who don't play A&T much, to get down to events and have a bit of social fun! A&T doesn't have to be who can complete the parkour, who can find the potato or who can save the world the quickest, it should be about having a good go at new maps and playing with new people and experiencing new gameplay. I would love to help people out and host events to the to the favour of the people of Blocktopia. Thanks for reading - JayJay :)


Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Jay,

I'm glad you applied. Your activity for this position doesn't come into question as you're more active then I am. I have few concerns after spending some time talking to you. My one concern is the concern I have for all the members of this team. Dedication. We need staff members who will host events and be on the server on a regular basis. Its one thing to be a Operator its another to act like one. Lately we've been lacking in events hosting due to Operators simply not giving the time needed. I am guilty of this myself. I believe we need someone on this team who is energetic and wants to serve and be part of the team more then anything. I think you can provide that.

+1 for a trial, good luck Jay.


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hello Jay,
There is a lot of postive things to say about you, however, I will stick to the only thing that concerns me a bit, and that is your maturity, everything else is more than good enough for operator.

Some time ago, I would have voted no, due to this, but I have seen you improve a lot lately. Your maturity is much better now than it was before, and I believe it is good enough for at least a trial!



May 17, 2012
Reaction score
Okay since cal hasn't responded, I'll just go ahead and decide here.

You show a lot of enthusiasm for the server which is something, undoubtedly, some of our current staff (including me at times) lack. Your ontime is great and I've seen a lot of improvement over the last few weeks, although I am a little unsure how well you will cope with the rank given your relatively little experience.

On trial for a week, enjoy!
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