Just stopping by...Don't mind me


Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
Whoops, wrong thread...
I mean...​
Hey all, just stopping in to let the old timers know that I'm not dead yet and that I still think of you from time to time. I'm still a bit surprised that the community is doing so well.​
Mikey: speaking of the servers, we just released a new smp a couple weeks ago
The Orginal RGB Leader: Oh?
Mikey: more of old-schooled style
Mikey: and the release broke all time highs for most people on a server
Mikey: we had 170 people on the server
Heck, I remember when the max was 32 and I had to fight my way into my own server. Day's I still miss it.

I've had a few requests from a few of you for my Steam contact details. If you are into that kind of thing head over HERE and add me to your list.

And one last note for the real old timers who remember Sal and I...
We're Engaged!
Thought you might like to know that.
And just like that, as fast as I appeared, That fast I'm gone.​