Kami's Realm chest rules thread

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
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Kami's Realm Chest Rules
The rules regarding protection of chests will differ greatly on Kami's Realm from some our previous servers. While it might seem familiar in some ways, we have decided to go with a custom tailored outline to provide the most enjoyable experience for new and old users alike.

********Before reading the below, keep in mind this is for the personal vaults and chests that a player has. There will be a following rule and information thread about the individual clan provided chest vaults*******
The Golden Rule: Any given chest or other methods of item storage must be accessible for a raider (to reach in some feasible manner. Guidelines are outlined below.)

This rule implies that chests CANNOT be simply covered with a dirt block or any other block for that matter and deemed 'safe'. Chest's must be able to be reached by a raider without breaking any of our server rules, or any of the the following chest rules:
  1. "Jump Courses" are forbidden from being used to protect a chest.
    1a. A user can apply for a special permit to use a jump course under special conditions.
    1ab. A jump course that has staff approval is forbidden any redstone mechanisms
  2. Chests must be reachable without taking any damage.
    2a. If a path contains a source of damage such as falling, arrows, etc ; it must have an alternate path that contains no damage sources available to reach the same goal.
  3. Chests must be reachable without using potions.
    3a. If a path contains a portion that requires the usage of potions, it must contain an alternate path that requires no potions be used to reach the same goal.
  4. Mazes are encouraged so long as the correct path is roughly 3-6 minutes in length.
  5. The placing or removing of blocks is strictly prohibited.
Another factor plays into chest protection aswell, redstone. We have gone over ways it can be applied to protection of ones chests and below are the guidelines to create a level playing field for experienced redstoners and new redstoners alike. All with the ideal system neither in favor for attacking or defending players.
Here are the rules regarding chests and redstone:

  1. A maximum of 3 redstone mechanisms are allowed to be used to protect one vault. Though there may be multiple pathways into a vault.
  2. Levers, buttons, pressure plates, and other intractable redstone components required to get into a vault must be within a 30 block radius of it.
  3. Use of Iron and Gold Pressure Plates are prohibited.
  4. Use of items for hopper locks are other locking mechanisms that require an item input are prohibited.
  5. A vault must be accessible at all times; using Daylight/Moonlight sensors to restrict entry is prohibited.
  6. No redstone mechanism may prevent entry if an incorrect code or other input system is performed incorrectly.
  7. Falling puzzles are prohibited (puzzles in which the players has to fall down to reach a certain button or lever then climb back up and repeat)
These rules have been compiled to ensure fair play on our server, along with a healthy sense of competition. If any of these rules bring up any questions or concerns, feel free to discuss them below.

-Kami's Realm Staff
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Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
So like
If I have a huge floating island in the sky
With no way up
What does that constitute as
An island that even you cannot reach?
It would simply require a user to follow whatever path you intend to frequently use, don't lie and say "I'll just pillar up and pillar down" Because we both know ideal of building a big island in the sky is to have some kind of beautiful build and a pillar would be ugly.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
question: do you think these rules will make players want to play on the server

i can see what you're trying to do but it seems a bit excessive
The list itself isn't particularly far off from Primordia's chest rules, Minecraft has changed a lot since then and a lot was added to counteract and address many of these new changes and additions. It's been quite clear that many people who played really enjoyed Primordia, more so than any other SMP, many people singled out vaults and the chest rules and we decided to take notes.

Will these rules make players want to play? Servers are made up of multiple factors and different people want different things and we obviously can't guarantee anything, but I think at the very least a number of people will be curious enough because of these rules alone.


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Ideally our goal is to create an environment with both structure and anarchistic flavors.

With chests being able to be hoarded in massive quantities it creates something of a bloat and laze as the server continues on.
Most players will obtain a fortune and build and then essentially do nothing else and interest will drain.

Given the pvp worldwide, the storyline, the events, mythicmobs, and many other aspects we are striving for an active player base that will deal with the sometimes harsh and sometimes really pleasant aspects.

Understandably that a player may want to build some kind of 'large floating fortress' or 'subterranean cave home' however this gives the advantage to the player living in the sky or down under in the earth. We want to keep a 'fair play' system among everyone, staff included as
we wish to keep things on an equal playing field for both the technically savvy and those that just want to protect their items.

Above as well there is a sub-note about clan vaults. Look forward to the information about that. However some words come out sharper then they intend.

Though we enjoy feedback and evolutions to these rules! As I said before as things arise there may be additions or even removals to the system.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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An island that even you cannot reach?
It would simply require a user to follow whatever path you intend to frequently use, don't lie and say "I'll just pillar up and pillar down" Because we both know ideal of building a big island in the sky is to have some kind of beautiful build and a pillar would be ugly.
Was actually planning on just making a full self-sustaining island that's disconnected from the world after I gain enough materials. There'd be a way down if I ever wanted to participate with others, but if I'd ever need to get back up I'd just /kill to my bed.


Ain't afraid of no ghost
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Was actually planning on just making a full self-sustaining island that's disconnected from the world after I gain enough materials. There'd be a way down if I ever wanted to participate with others, but if I'd ever need to get back up I'd just /kill to my bed.
Get comfy with having to remove the pillars each day... A watervator with a few pistons to push the clumsy players off the edge at the top should work just fine in keeping all but the most determined out.

The maze idea sounds pretty fun to try, but since buttons can be placed on ceilings now they can be pretty obscure.

I probably won't be saying the same things when my chests get emptied, but I'm pleased to see the rules as they are.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Get comfy with having to remove the pillars each day... A watervator with a few pistons to push the clumsy players off the edge at the top should work just fine in keeping all but the most determined out.

The maze idea sounds pretty fun to try, but since buttons can be placed on ceilings now they can be pretty obscure.

I probably won't be saying the same things when my chests get emptied, but I'm pleased to see the rules as they are.
Well, I'm assuming my own clan mates won't be raiding me so pillars shouldn't be too much of a problem :p
(There's build protection right?)


Oct 21, 2011
Reaction score
An island that even you cannot reach?
It would simply require a user to follow whatever path you intend to frequently use, don't lie and say "I'll just pillar up and pillar down" Because we both know ideal of building a big island in the sky is to have some kind of beautiful build and a pillar would be ugly.
this is 100% exactly what we did 1-2 smp's ago and we weren't raided once
@bannedkill ConstructionBoy


Aug 8, 2011
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define 'one mechanism'?
Mechanisms are complex systems of blocks used to perform certain tasks, such as opening a door from afar or revealing a hidden staircase. These systems are built from simple components and normally involve some kind of user input, like breaking a torch, which generates some kind of result, like a door being revealed.

In the instance of Kami's Realm we are referring to interactions with buttons, levers, and the like as the altering of blocks such as placing and removing are under the terms of greifing.

Mechanisms can range from simple switches that open and close doors from a safe distance, to complex devices such as combination locks that prevent intruders from entering your fort.


Jul 20, 2013
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Can I just go and put an 'eye switch' about 20 blocks into the side of a wall and have it so that a person must stand on a particular spot to even be able to shoot it, and apply a timer to it so that if they take too long getting to the door they just opened, they'll have to wait until their arrows despawns?


Mafia Host
Aug 9, 2011
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Can I just go and put an 'eye switch' about 20 blocks into the side of a wall and have it so that a person must stand on a particular spot to even be able to shoot it, and apply a timer to it so that if they take too long getting to the door they just opened, they'll have to wait until their arrows despawns?
no, because
locking mechanisms that require an item input are prohibited.


Mafia Host
Aug 9, 2011
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Use of Iron and Gold Pressure Plates are prohibited.
A vault must be accessible at all times; using Daylight/Moonlight sensors to restrict entry is prohibited.
can we use multiple entrances which mean the vault is accessible but via a different entrance if attached to one of the sensors

e.g. one entrance for day, another for night

or are the sensors banned 100%


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
no, because
So you're saying nobody is going to have a bow or bows have been banned without my knowing?

I think what Oak meant by
Use of items for hopper locks are other locking mechanisms that require an item input are prohibited.
Was specific for things like hopper locks and jukeboxes, which involve uniquely named items being put into a certain container as opposed to just sitting on a pressure plate and firing at a wooden button.

Granted, arrows aren't the cheapest things in the world, nor are bows, but both are quite common, are skeleton drops, craftable, and virtually everyone has a set of these, unlike those hopper locks that require a specific key items only the vault owner has.

Also, if everyone puts their items into one singular clan vault, the entire clan could be sent back to square one in a single raid (provided that the raiders bring enough inventory space).


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Would you just be able to leave it at no grief-to-steal? Agility potions can kill a normal course easy, and one that's designed for agility potions would be extremely expensive to maintain. (Unless they managed ti get a beacon they can sit there and toggle, in which case props to them.) Otherwise, all anyone's going to do is make overlarge storage vaults somewhere extremely inaccessible and probably illegal, and stock them with the physical blocks and/or items in frames.

I can see that you're trying to make an enjoyable system, and props to you for it, but if you let people run free, you'll get more imaginative vaults, and it'll probably end up being more fun for everyone.


Jul 20, 2013
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I understand banning the unique item-key hoppers and jukeboxes thing, but everything else...
Come on, are you guys trying to make it so that only people who grew-up playing fighting/raiding games will enjoy this?

Seriously, these strict chest-protection rules are only going to lead to two potential out comes:
1. everyone has random sh!t they got from their last raid, none of it having been crafted or mined by them (something that I personally would just leave for).
2. One or two clans get 5 steps ahead of everyone else and suddenly only those two clans every really have any significant power, while the other clans pretty much die and the KR player-base becomes entirely one or two OP clans.

"Gee, I sure wish I had been allowed to protect my hoard of diamonds, Iron, and everything else so that I wouldn't have to bring stone to a diamond fight!"
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