Kami's Realm first impressions


Fidget Spinner
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hey just decided to make a thread based on my first impressions of the sever. So basically ill divide this into 3 sections, the good, the bad, and how to fix it from my eyes. So let me try to keep this as concise as possible.

I. The Good

Ok so as usual as blocktopia/escr the prebuilt stuff is really good looking overall. The monuments, the dungeons, the spawn town, etc. Soon as i logged in i could tell a great amount of effort was put into the builds alone but this effort shows server wide.

PvP system is actually fairly balanced from what it seems like so far (cant tell havnt done that much yet) This system stop one fed player to solo a base just because he has top class gear. However this forces people to travel in groups if they want to be successful in pvp or else play a huge risk in losing there stuff. And even losing a full set of diamond is that big of a deal since it doesnt take hours of grinding to get it.

The ores in the server seem very abundant(?) I had a lot of ease mining for iron/diamond/lapis/redstone so far (still no emeralds found) I think this is a good step since it makes it more accommodation to people willing to take risks to raid/be raided but without too much punishment for them. Sorta like a softcore.

I could tell the staff put a great effort in the server and spent many hours preparing for this, and it does look generally good. However along with the good comes a few things that could improve the server. So here is what i believe it could use now.

II. The Bad

1. The size

Ok so a 7500 radius map is huge, tons of ore, tons of trees, tons of resources so it will last a long time. The problem with it starts when there is no quicker way to get around. It took roughly 20-30 minutes to get from spawn to my base. Then about an hour, if not more to hunt down another base(monument) and then a half hour to get back to spawn (didnt go back to my base since i didnt feel like walking for another 30 minutes. It takes way to long to get around with this size and now transportation/warp system.

2. The Isolation

So all 5 bases are roughly 5000-7000 blocks away from spawn. this means that each clan is gonna be heavily isolated from each other and will generally mean other faction will rarely see others bases since they are so far away from theres. This connects to point 1 since i doubt anyone would enjoy walking for a 1-2 hour round trip just to visit another base.

3. The Chest protection

In my opinion this rule put the nail in the coffin for any serious raids/pvping. So i travel for over 10K blocks over an hours, spend an hour scouting another base, another hour organizing a raid, and wait. Since they store all there stuff in clan vaults i litterally wasted 3 hours. Granted the server just came out 6 hours ago at the time, but still this leaves 0 incentive for raiding other than for pvp purposes. In which the raider has a huge advantage cause of my next point.

4. Respawning

So your raiding a base, you see someone in full iron and grab a pick off him. But wait, he has a bed in a house there. So he respwans, rushed to his clan vault, and boom. Hes back alive in full iron again in less than 30 seconds. This makes raiding incredibly fusrating since you have to survive an endless ounslaught of respawning people attacking.

5. The main town

This one isnt that big of a deal, but the main town has a confusing layout. Maybe some signs or a map of the maintown on the forums would fix this easily.

III. The solution

So most of the problems are coming from the point of vision of someone heavily geared towards pvp/raids. But the main issue in general is this

If you try to make a server that accommodates everyone, it will not work. It will have features that frustrates builders, it will have features that frustrate pvpers. You need to choose one group and stick with the general idea of pushing towards them to be successful
In my opinion the players on here are divided into 2 groups generally speaking. Newer players want a more vanilla server, however older players who experienced several vanilla servers want something more extreme. Im going to give suggestions based on a PvP enviornment, however i thing most vanilla players will agree with some of my points.

1. Size reduction? How about closing the bases further in. Each base is over 5000 total blocks from spawn. If you reduced this number by about half (say about 2200 -2600) it will fix the whole isolation bit. It makes it less effort to get from base to base.

2. Less static terrain. Large biomes are bad,they make traveling overwhelming, repetitive, and boring. Its better to have lots of various environments including more eccentric ones, even custom ones like Canyon, Valleys, ect. I have yet to see a desert or artic biome and if you made much more, the long boring travel wouldnt be too bad anymore.

3. Faster transportation such as waypoints, recalls, or rail systems. Another solution to long travels is to make some sort of faster version of it. my 3 ideas are as so
a. Have 1 waypoint for each faction in spawn that goes to there monument and back only. In order to use it you must travel to your monument manually and activate it so it cant be used instantly
b. For recalls have a player use a command such as /spawn or /home, however they need to stand still for say 7 seconds to use it. Id pick this second since it can be abused in pvp situations.
c. Rail systems are the most troublesome to make but still an idea

4. Chest rules need to stay or go. Back to my vanilla vs pvp discussion earlier. Having this many rules for chest protection is annoying. In my opinion you should just make the enderchest the only safe chest players have. 30 slots is more than enough for a player to store their true valuables. Make vault chests accessible. This makes it sort of like a rouge-like server, but they still have some protected items.

4.5. Chest rules touch up(?) Rules make it seem to tiresome to protect chests. maybe a touchup on them so they dont seem so strict (even if there not) this isnt a big deal to me personally but i see a lot of others talking about this

5. Respawn timers(?) Maybe when someone dies they have to wait say 15-30 seconds or something to respawn if they were killed within 1000 blocks or so of there spawn location (bed)

6. Nametags above heads. Preferably either colored for their facions, or with a faction tag (ie [Air]Vrgin) Makes it easier to identify friends or foes.

IV. Closing Notes
Once again, i know this seems like a lot of complaints (im sure lee_scar heard plenty last night in teamspeak) and i don't want to sound ungrateful but some things need to change if you want this server to last. I love the mythic mob system, i love the faction system, but some other systems need improvement.

Once again, i appreciate all the hours of hard work you put into the server, and i think it has potential to be Blocktopia's/ESCR's best yet, so im hoping you take these suggestions seriously.

-Best of wishes


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
This makes it sort of like a rouge-like server
I thought this was SMP, not HCMP. Seriously though, I'm not one for rouge-like game-play.
Get horses guys.
Even if you find horses, they don't make long trips that much shorter, especially if you run into mountain. I would also like to know where my clan's monument is (and I also don't quite approve of some of the signs I've seen around spawn...).

However, this Thing I hear about ores being more common sounds like a nice use of custom ore generation.
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Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
All of this assumes that nobody will build anything away from the clan monuments. Come back in a month and see if it takes an hour to get to the next place. Especially once we have a livemap, so people can survey the land and decide where they want to build things.

(Except the last point. I like the main town, but I didn't spend a huge amount of time exploring it and just found a way out quickly.)