KyleTheExplorer's Moderator Application

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Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
In-game username:
KyleTheExplorer (mario162000)

GMT+10 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

How much time will you be able to spend staffing the server each day?
The time I would be able to spend on the server daily would vary from weekdays to weekends during week it could range from 0-5 hours, while on the weekends it could range from 1-10.

What do you think the responsibilities of an operator are on this server?
As an operator and staff member I believe that everyone should be treated with respect friend or not they should also be treated equally while also making sure everyone has an enjoying and fun time on the server. As a staff member I also believe that your duty should be to not abuse the commands available, to only restore and tp players that supply a valid reason. The rules of the server should also be reinforced on players that choose to disobey them. Disobeying the rules I believe that players should earn the consequence of a warn, kick or ban depending how big the issue. I believe as operator you don't just have duties in-game but off the server I believe as a staff member you should be active and contribute to the forums regularly. Also as a staff member I believe you should be interactive with the players not only in building but in any queries or questions they may have and making sure new comers are not excluded.

What sets you apart from other applicants?
Yes I am back and reapplying as I think that I have grown as a player over the past couple of months from my last app, I believe I have developed a wider knowledge span about the game and learnt a lot more things. As I see on the server when I am playing I feel like there needs to be more Australian staff members considering they are now rare and the opposite time zone to a lot of places means there are not many operators and/or none on when the Australian players are online. Adding on to what I believe is a lack of Australian operators and staff members I believe a lot of you will post you don't see me often, but I do try to be on at a range of different times to ensure I see the most of you. I think a good thing that sets me apart from others is that I am able to keep an eye on a lot of things/multitask and I pick up anything that others do to deal with issues and problems efficiently.

What do you believe your greatest weaknesses are as a player and/or staff member?
Quietness. A little of the time you will see me online but never talking, just note I am not AFK I just decide to not talk for either a number reasons. Eg: There are a number of people online and it is hard to get your word across or I just don't feel in the mood to talk. But most of the time you will see me involved in conversations and interacting with everyone.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with?
If I came across an issue that I did not know how to deal with I would call upon another online staff member for either guidance or for them to show me how to solve the problem or someone with wider knowledge. If there were no staff members at the point in time, I would alert a staff member on the forums and in the mean time try and resolve the issue to the best of my ability and when a staff member becomes available ask for the full resolution.

What previous experience staffing on Blocktopia servers do you have?
I have no previous Blocktopia staffing experience but on other servers I have had plenty of op / staffing experience and am able to learn commands fast and efficient.

Tamzies, Elandrir
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Tyoping Legned
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Going to go with a 0 for this one. I can see the enthuiasm and dedication to getting yourself seen, and I agree RoF could use more diversity in timezones, but when I do happen to see you, I can't remember you standing out, whether that's helping someone, or keeping a general conversation. It might just be that I've only recently started playing on RoF again and haven't encountered you enough due to the difference in times, but I can't give any other vote because I feel like from what I've seen, there's not much that separates you from other RoF regulars.
I know your application was declined in the past for pretty much the same reason, but I don't feel there being much difference from then to now.


Resident Zombie
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
From my perspective, you've improved a bit, but I'm still not sure. I still stand by my previous statement, even though I forgot to come back with a better detailed response to add to it. From what I remember, after your first application was declined, you disappeared for a few weeks. Although in honesty, we really do need more staff on from Australia. I don't see a reason why we shouldn't give you a trial period, so I'm giving a small +1 for your application. (I say small because it's still close to a 0)


Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
I am not really leaning in any specific direction in regard to your application, due to timezones I don't think I see you often, though I do recall that when you asked me for a reference for your last application.
You did seem wanting to improve, and I did touch upon that you hadn't the best grammar, but neither had I when I was wishing to apply, so I do think you can improve in that category, as I did.
I do think you may need to think about what you say, nothing insulting, but I noticed you sometimes say words or sentences that wouldn't really be considered mature.

Overall I'm going with a +0, as you do have faults, but you do have the ability to improve.


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
I find it very hard to vote on this. You aren't a perfect moderator in the mate, but I see potential. I know it has been hard getting the refs, but your application is quiet bare. We want details, not your full personal life, but I except some more in-depth answers. Although we need Australian Moderators it doesn't mean an immediate pass. You will need guidance and there is some serious work to do, being a Moderator isn't all fun and games. Its also about being active, strict and social. We can't have people disappearing without a reason. Now the negative part is done, you are a good guy, you just need some work to become a good Moderator.

With some work and effort from you, I think you will do fine.

It isn't a giant +1, previous app I was a bit too eager to have you on the team, but we need you and I hope you won't let me and the others down.


The dutch moose
Jul 22, 2014
Reaction score
Hey Mario,

First some things, I know too that you can still improve on things and you are already improving. I see you quite often and you are an active player but as state there are certain things to improve.

I give you a +1 because I know you are able to become a good moderator


Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Mario,

I'll try not to make a long post since it seems the longer my posts the more atrocious my grammar becomes. Either way, I've recently just come back and started getting back into things and one of the people I noticed showing potential for Moderator was you. You've proven qualities and a lot of potential that I'd like to see in a trial moderator over the time since I've come back. For example, I've seen you to be helpful in situations where I'm either too busy dealing with another issue to handle or I'm unavailable to answer and you've also been able to smooth things over between players when they're allowing an argument or joke get out of hand.

I know though sometimes you can be quiet when a situation arises and not rise to the challenge but I believe a trial would get that shyness/quietness out of you. As for what my fellow moderators have mentioned as issues with you, I see them too but I believe most of those issues mentioned come from not seeing you often enough so I believe that if you were to take a trial position that you could prove to them and me how capable you really are and how ready you are for this position and that you can iron those small issues out. I also believe you're not here for just a short time but instead for the long haul as I've seen you in a lot of times when the server is almost all but completely empty and still remain active which is a lot more than I can say for myself recently.

I'm all for giving you a +1 for a trial. (y u no ask 4 reference)


Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Kyle,

I've seen you many times in server, and you are a pleasure to be around. You are generally very helpful and friendly to other players. That being said, I still am trying to get a feel as to how you would perform in a staff position. Part of me still feels that you aren't quite ready or that I haven't seen a leadership quality really stand out. However, I do feel that any hesitations I have can be sorted through a trial basis and I would be happy to give you a +1 on that stipulation. Director willing, I'm looking forward to see how you do.

AKA The Rocketeer
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