Lava Story Time


Aug 7, 2011
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I didnt know what to put this under... so discussion because you can talk about my story :3
Heres a small fake story I was bored and i decided to make this.... kinda like aperson... I think it was him who made that story :D but this is a magical story Staring IamGreg07 As magician man pig and Sephhh as Evil man :D sorry sephhh but your skin is so awesome its fit for a bad guy and Mindcrafty as the Person who Greg meets later on ill probebly throw in someone to go along with sephhh as their ... apprentice? thing? andways ENJOY
First part: We meet Greg:
IamGreg07 or as some people call him "Greg" Is a small little pig from a far away land called "Uilyea" and he lived in a small hut...
Greg disliked having to run from other farmers when they saw him out but they always feared Greg for one reason: HE WAS A MAGICAL PIGGEH. Greg had magic powers special ones that he could use against people. Whenever Greg was mad something happened... mostly diffrent things happened not just the same thing every time. But once... when Greg was smaller than he is he was out in the farm where he lived well.. Greg was mistaken he found out this wasnt his farm when a farmer came charging at him. But Greg was to busy and didnt see the farmer, but the farmer saw him and he wanted Gregs bacon so he could take it the the ruler of the land the ALMIGHTY SEPHHH.....
Second part: Meet Sephhh
Sephhh was looking out his castle window sitting on a small chair covered around lava watching the farmer and the pig.
Watching the farmer try to get the pig for his ruler sephhh. Yet the farmer failed in capturing the pig for sephhh. And what sephhh saw he just couldnt beleive what he just saw... The pig had made himself invisible, the farmer got so confused. so mad. That all he could do was take one swing of his weapon down where the pig was standing. He heard a yelp, THE PIG, Yet the pig became uninvisible, but the pig healed itself. Sephhh was so amazed he thought to himself I MUST HAVE THAT PIG!
Third part: Finding Greg
After sephhh saw the pig and his powers he decided to have his finist hunters go and find the pig. Sephhh said to them "Find the pig! If its the last thing you do! look everywhere, I NEED THAT PIG" The hunters replied with a quick "Yes sir" and were on their way to find greg. It took ages for the hunters to even come close to finding anything. Atlast a hunter found something a trace of a pig like scent. He followed it and sure enough he found Greg. The hunter stuffed Greg in a Sac and he carried him off to his house. The hunter was thinking of ways that he could keep Greg and his magic talents. But he found nothing. when winter came the hunter decided to take Greg to Sephhh. and thats what he did. Sephhh was so pleased with what the hunter found, but when he found out that the hunter kept Greg for a long time he threw him in the dungeons. Sephhh locked Greg in with ... another animal.... A cow? Greg recognized that it was a cow. Then he recognized this was a pig pen he was putting Greg into along with the Cow.
Fourth part: Meeting Mindcrafty
After Sephhh had gone Greg tried to talk to the Cow all it did was eat the grass... Greg decided to let it take time, so he went to the other side of the cage and did his own thing. The cow finally decided to come over to Greg and talk to him "this is not a good place" the cow whispered to Greg. *You shouldnt be here*.The cow paused for a moment... *Its torture* Said the Cow once again *Im minecrafty and of course that was sephhh and you are the talented Greg ive heard the Sephhh talking about.* *You have to get outta here little pig* said Mindcrafty Greg replied that he would need help getting out. Mindcrafty agreed to help him escape *Tonight* said minecrafty. Greg nodded and went about his buisness
Fifth part: The final Stand^
It was faster night than Mindcrafty and Greg expected. Greg woke Mindcrafty up... Alot.... Asking him *is it time to go?* always. Mindcrafty finally said it was time to go when the castle was quiet. Sephhh knew about their little plan to sneak out. So sephhh stayed up, watching them his eyes never leaving. Yet Mindcrafty knew that sephhh was there. They would just have to take a chance. So mindcrafty led Greg out past and out of the gate. *weve made it this far.... along more ways to go, and when we get you out, ill take you far away where sephhh will never find you.* Greg nodded and followed Mindcrafty they were almost reaching the big iron gates when.... Sephhh called out his Duck army and they were sent out to destroy Mindcrafty but only mindcrafty. Greg had to think quick he only liked to use his powers in an emergancy, Could this be one? without thinking it through Greg made a huge magnificant sword appear. He guided it with his mind and it swung at the duck army with a large force and the ducks were moved back. Most of them were killed, Greg had to think bigger. A squid appeared wrapped in a large blue coat way to big for him but it killed anything in its way. In less than a second the ducks were gone. But then the squid turned around it started coming for mindcrafty but Greg hurried and made it disappear. Sephhh was amazed! but he knew he would have to let the pig and the cow go.. So he did what he had to and moved from the window, blocking them from sight. Almost letting them go, Just that moment sephhh sprang from the window wearing the same cloak the squid had. Greg tried to open the gate he clung onto the gate with all his force He had to make it open! then just that moment he saw sephhh moving in towards mindcrafty, Greg knew he couldnt leave him... but he had to. So Greg dashed over the gate and ran as fast as he could to move away from sephhh. Yet sephhh didnt notice. Greg looked back and saw mindcrafty in a corner. Dead.... Greg stopped he couldnt beleive it... he wouldnt! he couldnt! but he must... Mindcrafty was Dead. Greg would have to flee the city. He would never be safe. But he did what HE had to do and went on. He found a nice town called Blocktopia and now he lives his days out there. Sometimes you can still see him or hear him. Sephhh also has become not bad but nice and has also moved to Blocktopia. Turns out the ghost of Mindcrafty is in Blocktopia to.
This was my short story of Greg Mindcrafty and Sephhh. Thank you :D