Let's talk movies.


Nov 29, 2011
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While looking through the off-topic thread, I noticed that there was not a favorite movies thread. Well, this can't be. So, I rushed to the Create Thread button, and made this without hesitation! So share your favorite films, as I and I'm sure many others would love to know!

My favorite movies:
Back to the Future- It's a really fun movie, with some great writing, action, and music. The two sequels sadly were not as good, but they are still okay movies.

Inception- This has amazing writing and an amazing story. The action and music were also great, as was the acting.

When I was younger, I really enjoyed the Hitchcock movies, specifically Vertigo, Psycho, Dial M for Murder, and Rear Window. I'm sure there are other Hitchcock films I foolishly forgot about.

The Shawshank Redemption- Just an amazing movie, the writing and acting were superb.

The Green Mile- A movie kind of like The Shawshank Redemption. They were both novels by Stephen King, were both directed by Frank Darabont, and both have a prison theme. Of the two, I enjoy The Green Mile more. It has the great writing and acting, some funny moments, characters you love, and characters you love to despise. It also has the saddest ending I have ever seen.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail- One of the best comedies I've seen, it's hilarious.

Another funny movie worth watching is Shaun of the Dead, a comedy about a zombie apocalypse.

Scream was a great horror movie, with some really nice writing and a twist ending. Sadly, the sequels weren't good(the second was okay, but it's nothing like the first).

I'm sure there are others I've missed.


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
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You glorious bastard, books now movies, I love you.

Okay, since I could list a great many, I'll just list my favorites.

*The Godfather, just a classic.
*District 9, based a map for zombies off this movie, not a well known movie, but it is a superb tale.
*Alien, the original was quite well made, fast paced, and had incredibly gross and scary moments, although the squeals weren't as good.
*Shawshank Redemption, probably one of the greatest movies of all time, the book was great as well, should have put that in your other thread :p
*The Beast, a war film based on the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan.
*Spirited Away, a anime film by Hayao Miyazaki, beautiful movie.
Favorite director would probably be Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Thelma & Louise, Gladiator, Matchstick men, Prometheus)

Edit: Seen A Clockwork Orange, great movie as well


Aug 6, 2011
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My favourites:
The Godfather Trilogy: Classics
The Shawshank Redemption: One of my favourite films
Indiana Jones Trilogy: I didn't like the Crystal Skull as much as the first 3
The Terminator and Terminator 2, Judgment Day: Very good films
Die Hard: My favourite action movie
A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: My favourite Western films
The Sixth Sense: Very good horror movie


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
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The green mile - Awesome movie!

Battle of stalingrad - A movie about the german side of the Stalingrad battle; where the nazi's you follow are actualy kind and care for the people meddled in the war. Ending is pretty sad, if you want to watch the movie then I won't spoil it for you.

Shaun of the dead - Awesome movie, Really funny and I still have it!

The avengers - Pretty fun to watch, was cool to see! :-)


The Fail Chipmunk
Jan 1, 2012
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Land Before Time. Majority of y'all won't have heard of them, they're an old children's animated series on dinosaurs. I loved them so much.

The Brave Little Toaster. Another awesome animated children's series, I think there were three movies, my favourite was the 1987 original. It was made by Disney, and there were some pretty disturbing scenes in it for a child's movie.


The Hell Raiser
Aug 6, 2011
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Land Before Time. Majority of y'all won't have heard of them, they're an old children's animated series on dinosaurs. I loved them so much.
i remember The Land Before Time. But my favorite movies would have to be

The Avengers: Great movie. The person who played The Hulk was awesome. Great plot. Great actors playing the heroes.

Iron Man 1 & 2: Both awesome movies. Robert Downey Jr. is just superb as Iron Man/Tony Stark. Looking forward to Iron Man 3

The Batman Series (Christopher Nolan): The classic batmans were okay especially the one with Jack Nicholsen was bomb. But the current series that Nolan directs is just out of this world. I loved them. Especially the 2nd one and the Batman Begins man it really caught Bruce Wayne's fear out into the open and man they had great villains and such. Looking forward to The Dark Knight Rises.

The Robocop movies (those were 1980s): They were awesome, that is all.

the Men in Black series 1-3: Awesome the 3rd one was very touching but the second one and first one got my attention.

and finally the Entire Saw Series: Great plots, great twists and turns, every movie had you on the edge of your seat.


Ayy lmao
Jan 12, 2012
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Land Before Time. Majority of y'all won't have heard of them, they're an old children's animated series on dinosaurs. I loved them so much.
No.Way. I ALWAYS watched that I got the series on the good ole video! OMG!

Umm lord of the rings- brilliant

Avatar- Not much to say other than best movie ever!

Hunger games- I don't go to movies twice to go see the same movie but I did with this movie! Easily my favourite.


The Pig
Sep 15, 2011
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I haven't even seen The Hobbit yet, but I know it will be up there.

Star Wars Saga - Comon, no ones said it? We all love us some classic Yoda

Pirates of the Caribbean - We all love us some good ole Captain Jack Sparrow.

The Dark Knight series.. Well until someone shoots up a theater.

Back to the Future - It's a classic trilogy, one of the most memorable sci-fictions of all time.

To kill a Mockingbird - This is my favorite black and white films, it has a great storyline, with interesting characters.

Up - My favorite animated film, I know Toy Story was great, but this has more of an impact on me. The soundtrack is lovely, the old man turns out to get what he wants and is happy.

Saving Private Ryan - Best war movie created ever. Directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Tom Hanks, it is also based off a true story. This is obviously an amazing movie, because the best actor Tom Hanks stars in it.

Forrest Gump - Speaking of Tom Hanks, here he is again! This movie is awesome, it's very long but I love the stories he tells. It goes all over, to Vietnam War, to him running the country, and him being a multi-milliondollar shrimp captain.

Shawshank Redemption - I love me some Morgan Freeman.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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What if you don't watch movies anymore? ._.
I guess I'll just put some old movies I used to like. :p
  • Lord of the Rings (of course). Can't wait for Hobbit.
  • Every single dang Hayao Miyazaki Movie. That man is a genius. (GO JAPAN *gets slapped*)
  • Conquer of Shamballa... (I never noticed I only watch Anime-like movies now. ._.)
  • Sherlock Holmes. Always a great fan of his character.
  • 12 Angry Men! Originally a play I believe. Good Movie / Story on Stereotypes, moral thoughts, and debate.
  • Shawshank Redemption - Classic.
Fell asleep in StarWars-
Never watched Private Ryan / Forest Gump, not interested-
Despise / never liked Super-Hero comics / movies (Cept Deadpool / To an extent, Batman)-
... I really need to watch more Movies. ._.


I have to say one of my favorite movies is The Boondock Saints. It is really funny and full of action. There is a touch of religion, but it makes the plot more interesting.


Aug 6, 2011
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Don Juan de Marco as a personal favourite, starring Marlon Brando, Johnny Depp and Fey Danawey. First time I watched it, I cried. I just loved the movie.
Other than that, the Monthy Python movies, The Shawshank Redemption, Saving Private Ryan, Ace Ventura 1 and 2, Indiana Jones (all of them), Star Wars (all of them), and some others whose names I don't remember.


The Canadian Nightmare
Aug 6, 2011
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the grudge - i love Japanese horror movies
toy story 1-3 - toy story 1-3 have been my favorite disney movie for years and still is to this day
George A. Romaro's living dead series - i love zombie movies and George A. Romaro's zombie movies are fucking awesome
resident evil afterlife - i love the resident evil movies but afterlife was my favorite resident evil movie
goof troop - its hard to choose a movie i loved from my childhood but i had to go with goof troop cause i fucking love goof troop
doom - this movie has been criticized for being a bad movie based of a kick ass game made by my favorite video game developer id software
the exorcist - its probably one of my favorite horror movies besides the grudge
the thing 1982 and 2010 - the concept of the movie was amazing having people trapped and being paranoid cause anyone could be the beast
the ring - same as the grudge
the paranormal activities series - well i love paranormal type movies


Aug 6, 2011
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Back to the Future is definitely up there.

The Godfather trilogy.

I also liked The Grey, even though my mother hated the end (I thought it was good)

When it comes to The Hunger Games, the book was WAY WAY WAY BETTER than the movie. The movie was pretty good, but the fanbase ruined it by turning it into another Twilight.

The funniest movie would have to be The Naked Gun. It took me 3 years to find the DvD's (after Leslie's death), but I finally found a boxed edition with all 3 movies.


Aug 6, 2011
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Rio - I'm sure many have seen/heard of it, but I really appreciate it for some reason.
Wall-E - Love it, amazing soundtrack, great for all ages as there isn't really THAT much speaking, mainly just actions.
Howl's Moving Castle - Beautiful movie, I've seen it dozens of times because it's my gran's favourite movie and she plays it on her DVD player constantly. x)
Pokèmon: The Rise of Darkrai - I'm a veteran Pokèmon player, enough to be OCD enough to put the accent every time. But when my little brother got this, it really was quite touching. And the song featured in it, "Oracion," I've already learnt on piano. :p
Eragon - Read the first three books, saw the movie, read the fourth, in that order. The movie, just like most that are based on books, isn't anywhere near as detailed as the book, but it conveys the message. I wasn't disappointed.
Fantastic Mr. Fox - It's an alright storyline, obviously directed more at younger children, but I am a huge fan of the way the movie was animated.
Spirited Away - Yeah, another Studio Ghibli one. But, as most people know, this is one of the best ones. :)
My Neighbor, Totoro - AND another. This was the first one I saw, and I fell in love with Ghibli the moment I finished watching it.
Ace Ventura 1+2 - x) Bloody darn hilarious. <3 Jim Carrey
The Mask - I've only seen the first one, but bloody what the crap a ding-dong a honkahong this was GOOD. :3
Chicken Little - I think this movie is extremely underrated. The way the
spaceships sort of jigsaw'd off the sky
really scared me when I was little Dx

That's all I can think of for now D: but I think I compiled quite a list. Will edit. :)


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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  • Pretty much every Tom Hanks movie. Honestly, I haven't seen all his movies, but the ones that I have seen, I <3 them all.
  • Ice Age series
  • Shrek series
  • Wall-E
  • LotR series
  • Harry Potter series
  • Narnia series
  • Ace Ventura 1 & 2. Just hilarious.
  • Gladiator
  • Titanic
  • And many others I can't remember right now.