List of commands



I saw someone request this so thought I'd make it.

/about Tells you what version of craftbukkit RoF is using.

/app Teleports you to the Apprentice's shop. (Apprentice+)

/afk Will set you as AFK. You can also give an AFK status. For example, typing /afk jackdaw will set you as AFK with the away status “jackdaw”. Same as /away.

/away Will set you as Away. You can also give an away status. For example, typing /away jackdaw will set you as Away with the away status “jackdaw”. Same as /afk, although it does not always mark you as AFK.

/ck bal
Used to show your cookies and supercookies balance.
/ck withdraw Used to withdraw supercookies from your virtual balance.
/ck deposit Used to depost supercookies into your virtual balance. This will require you to have them in your inventory, not in your enderchest.

/compass Tells you what direction you are facing.

/cookies bal
Used to show your cookies and supercookies balance.
/cookies withdraw Used to withdraw supercookies from your virtual balance.
/cookies deposit Used to depost supercookies into your virtual balance. This will require you to have them in your inventory, not in your enderchest.

/dwel Teleports you to the Expert's Dwelling. (Expert+)

/getpos Tells you where you are. Very detailed.

/gms Teleports you to the Grandmaster's Sanctum (Grandmaster+)

/help Provides an explanation for some of the commands.

/icanhasbukkit Tells you what version of craftbukkit RoF is using.

/ironman Used for ironman-related stuff. (Apprentice+)
/ironman activate Activates ironman mode. (Apprentice+)

/jmf Teleports you to the Journeyman’s Focus. (Journeyman+)

/kill Kills you.

/lag Tells you what the TPS of the server is. Commonly used to see if the server is lagging.

/lsinfo Tells you what map is currently on, who created it, and what mood it is. Short for lava survival information.

/m Mainly used to talk during votes.

/me Sends an emote.

/msg, /tell, @, /message & /whisper Used to send a private message to another player.

/money Used to check how many cookies you have.
/money <player> Used to check how many cookies another player has.
/money top Shows the 5 people with the most cookies.

/motd Gives you the “message of the day”.

/online Gives you a list of all players online, based on their rank.

/ontime Tells you for how long you have been playing.
/ontime top Gives you a list of the people with the most time on the server. (Unreliable/buggy/broken for a lot of people, should not be trusted)

/rules Gives you a list of some of the rules.

/t Tells you how much time is left in the round, and how much time is left until the next lava wave releases.

/temple Teleports you to the Master's Temple. (Master+)

/version Tells you what version of craftbukkit RoF is using.

/what Tells you what the item you’re holding is.

/whereami & /where Tells you where you are. Very detailed.

/who Gives you a list of all players online, based on their rank.

Got any you want to see added? Please tell me, and I'll add them. Will be updated as new commands get added, of course.
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