Mario's Op Application

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Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
In-game username: mario162000

Time-zone: GMT+10 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

How much time will you be able to spend staffing the server each day?
The time I would be able to spend on the server daily would range from weekdays to weekends during week it could range from 0-5 hours, while on the weekends it could range from 1-8. As an example this week today being Friday the 7th of November I have been on 22 hours on average that is 4.4 hours a day.

What do you think the responsibilities of an operator are on this server?
As an operator and staff member I believe that everyone should be treated with respect friend or not they should also be treated equally while also making sure everyone has an enjoying and fun time on the server. As a staff member I also believe that the rules of the server should be reinforced on players that choose to disobey them. Disobeying the rules I believe that players should earn the consequence of a warn, kick or ban depending how big the issue. I believe as operator you don't just have duties in-game but off the server I believe as a staff member you should be active and contribute to the forums regularly.

What sets you apart from other applicants?
As I see on the server when I am playing I feel like there needs to be more Australian staff members because of the opposite time zone to a lot of places and I feel as if there are not many operators and/or none on when the Australian players are online. I think a good thing that sets me apart from others is my personality that consists of not being able to lie even when it is really needed.

What do you believe your greatest weaknesses are as a player and/or staff member?
I believe that I am a perfectionist and that if its not done correctly then it's not worth doing or that I may come across rude to people who do not understand my excitable personality.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with?
If I came across an issue that I did not know how to deal with I would call upon another online staff member for either guidance or for them to show me how to solve the problem or someone with wider knowledge. If there were no staff members at the point in time I would try and issue the matter as best as I could and when a staff member becomes available ask for the full resolution.

What previous experience staffing on Blocktopia servers do you have?
I have no previous Blocktopia staffing experience but on other servers I have had plenty of op / staffing experience and am able to learn commands fast and efficient.

Tamzies, coolioruless

PS- I would just like to say thank you to Tam and Cool because it took a long while to get a ref because I don't see many of you that often, also thank you to all of you for what you do for the server! Great work!
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The Weeb
Sep 20, 2011
Reaction score
I think cooliorules & Toiletprincess will have the upper hand when voting on this application since this user is in their time zone.
(It auto tagged coolio, so shhh)

For my vote, I've rarely seen you in game during my time zone so I cannot give you a fair vote. +0

After looking at a couple of logs and seeing how dedicated you by going outside your own timezone and staying up late during the American time zone and such. I think you deserve op trial and I think you will be a great addition to the team. One thing I would like you to work on is your spelling in game, since it's not truly the best!

A huge +1 from me
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Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
I hope I this wont become a full blown essay. I would like to start off with that Mario is in one of the most difficult time zones for us. Even when I see him, its late and he is ready for bed. Being tired decreases your capability of being helpful. Not wanting to say that everyone has to vote +1 since I referenced him, certainly not. I rarely see him and when I see him, he is active and nice to our players. In the time Mario is online non of us staff can be there since either we are asleep or in school. Toilet and Cools are in the same timezone, but both are having busy private lives making their on times decrease significantly. (I hope I could say this, I love you both girls, don't you worry.) The Australian timezone is lacking staff, when I come home in my morning, their evening people always say some floods have happened, but I never saw it, so I can't do anything. We need more Australian Operators, that is a fact. Mario is a really nice guy and knows the rules. Just because we can't follow and observe him, shouldn't decrease his chances. He worked hard for this and asked for tips on staffing. He at least deserves a chance. I can remember how hard it was for me to get a ref, since no one saw me. For Mario it was even harder, I turned out okay and I think Mario could do too. Coolio and Toilet should see him the most, but that wouldn't make them the overall vote of the application. Although Mario is not a player of our community that is online at the American times, he still belongs to it and he is a very nice and helpful guy.

I referenced you, since I believe in you, don't throw this away.
+1 you at least deserve a trial. :-)

Tamzies Out!


Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with Tamzies. There is definitely a need for Australian Staff. Before I went on my vacation, I told you I'd think about it and consider giving you my ref. To be honest, I was a little skeptical to do so. It's not because I find anything wrong with you - I was more than willing to help you with your application, and it looks like you took my advice - but haven't gotten a chance to see you regularly thanks to time zones. When I have seen you, though, you do appear to be trying hard. I have no clue how you'll do on a trial or if this will pass, but I'll take a gamble and give you a +1. I haven't seen any major problems from you, and if it means increasing the Australian staff then even better. I make no promises, though. Good Luck!


Resident Zombie
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
While timezones can be a difficult thing, whenever I've seen you on, you never really gave off the vibe of being truly helpful. At least, this is how I see things. You've never really stood out to me, either. Going with a 0 as well, will edit later for a more accurate vote.


Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hey Mario!

I've seen the dedication you have put in to try and become operator and thats something to be admired. It shows just how much you really want the position, and even thoughI haven't seen you all that much, I can say that when I have seen you, you've been helpful and very friendly towards the other players. I think you would be a great staff member and think you deserve to go on trial.

Take a +1 from me, and good luck!


Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
You are willing to improve yourself. While you consider yourself a perfectionist you show that you can stray away from this. You have shown that you want to improve and you have displayed that you can over come your faults by doing this.
These are two good things an Operator should be able to do. While I can't give an official vote I think you deserve a chance at being an Operator. Good luck!


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Not going to be a long fancy post. I'm on holidays, I don't need to be writing essays ;) Go Aussies! :p

Anyway, I've seen a lot of you (yay timezones!) and you're mature and helpful to the best of your ability. I feel that if you had the permissions to commands as an Operator you would use them as their designed to be used and ensure that the server is a fun and friendly environment for everyone.

+1 :)
Good luck!


Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Mario,

I see you on a great deal. You are pleasant to be around and you are a very friendly player. However, I haven't really seen anything that gives off the vibe that you would work well in moderating the server. 0

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