Marvel: Phase Three



With Avengers: Age of Ultron in theaters on Friday concluding Phase two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, its time to look into the (near) future: Phase Three.
First, the list of films and release dates:

  • Ant-Man, July 17th, 2015 (Yes, my birthday.)
  • Captain America: Civil War, May 6th, 2016
  • Doctor Strange, November 4th, 2016
  • Guardians of the Galaxy 2, May 5th, 2017
  • Spider-Man Reboot, July 28th, 2017
  • Thor: Ragnarok, November 3rd, 2017
  • Avengers: Infinity War Part 1, May 4th, 2018
  • Black Panther, July 6th, 2018
  • Captain Marvel, November 2nd, 2018
  • Avengers: Infinity War Part 2, May 3rd, 2019
  • Inhumans, July 12th, 2019

So, why is this important?

A quick recap: In Avengers: Age of Ultron, we see quite a few characters leave. In chronological order:
Quicksilver dies protecting Hawkeye from a barrage of fire.
The Hulk, not wanting Black Widow to be hurt by being with her, departs to an unknown location in a quinjet.
Thor returns to Asgard to help explain a vision he had.
Stark drives off, presumably to start a life with Pepper
Hawkeye moves back to his farm with his wife and kids.

This leaves Captain America and Black Widow preparing to train the new Avengers: Falcon, War Machine, Vision, and Scarlet Witch

So, that leaves the all-important question: Who will be our next full Avengers team?
In addition to the six listed above, I think we can expect Thor to return after Ragnarok. Its also possible that the Hulk will return to help the team. I think new members will be: Ant-Man, Wasp, Doctor Strange, and Black Panther. Not Spider-Man, however: his character will be only 15 or 16 in the movie, so him joining the team is unlikely until Phase 4 or 5.

I think at this point, it's pretty obvious: The Guardians and the Avengers will team up in Infinity War. I think with Captain Marvel and Nova, the team would easily be solidified: No need to add Comet the Space Dog (And yes, he was in the first Guardians) or Adam Warlock (I think its safe to say Thor will suffice in a similar role). But, you may be asking, who is Star-Lord's father?
Well, in the comics, his father is the leader of an alien race, but in the movie?

"There have been a lot of documents passed around about who Peter Quill’s father is between a select two or three of us. That’s been part of the plan since the beginning, that’s something I had to work out before we shot the screenplay. We wanted to make sure Yondu’s place in everything made sense and it does, so it’s all very specific stuff. It’s definitely not the character who it is in the comics, I’ll say that much."
- James Gunn

Nothing here, not even a loose thread

Thats all! Feel free to discuss!
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I saw Avengers Thursday night (Thank you pre-showings). Heres my not spoiler-free review:
Of course, it was only appropriate to start my review with the first line said. I actually loved the film, but lists:
Good expansion of the team
Returning heroes
The twins
Ultron is a dick
Tony is arrogant
Bruce is smart
The Visions animation was amazingly real
Actually, all the CGI was
Hawkeye has a family?
Beautiful job setting up Thor 3, Civil War, and Black Panther
Thanos! (everyone clapped when they saw the infinity gauntlet lol)

Just like in the first one where a character we hardly knew was under mind control, I dont like that we saw a character that was introduced in this film die.
Captain America corrects Tony's 'vulgar' language, then later in the film proceeds to say "bastard"
Ultron seems a bit too lively- don't get me wrong, i like that they changed his character, but he's supposed to be cold and emotionless
I didn't see Black Widows badass side as much as I wanted
Without explanation, Shield is resurrected.
Ultron's origin is bizarrely scattered - Bruce and Tony had been discussing him, but the AI was in whatever country they were in.
If you've never seen the other marvel movies, you'll be clueless throughout the film
Same goes if you lack comic book knowledge
Can be a little overwhelming at times
Tony Stark (sigh) stops being a superhero for the second time. My bet's on him returning as Iron Man for Civil war -.-

Overall? Not a perfect film, but good nonetheless.
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Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
I saw Avengers Thursday night (Thank you pre-showings). Heres my not spoiler-free review:
Of course, it was only appropriate to start my review with the first line said. I actually loved the film, but lists:
Good expansion of the team
Returning heroes
The twins
Ultron is a dick
Tony is arrogant
Bruce is smart
The Visions animation was amazingly real
Actually, all the CGI was
Hawkeye has a family?
Beautiful job setting up Thor 3, Civil War, and Black Panther
Thanos! (everyone clapped when they saw the infinity gauntlet lol)

Just like in the first one where a character we hardly knew was under mind control, I dont like that we saw a character that was introduced in this film die.
Captain America corrects Tony's 'vulgar' language, then later in the film proceeds to say "bastard"
Ultron seems a bit too lively- don't get me wrong, i like that they changed his character, but he's supposed to be cold and emotionless
I didn't see Black Widows badass side as much as I wanted
Without explanation, Shield is resurrected.
Ultron's origin is bizarrely scattered - Bruce and Tony had been discussing him, but the AI was in whatever country they were in.
If you've never seen the other marvel movies, you'll be clueless throughout the film
Same goes if you lack comic book knowledge
Can be a little overwhelming at times
Tony Stark (sigh) stops being a superhero for the second time. My bet's on him returning as Iron Man for Civil war -.-

Overall? Not a perfect film, but good nonetheless.
I agree with most of what you said but was just gonna point out that I think it was mentioned in an interview while the movie was being made that they had to revise Ultron's character due to the fact he was so cold and emotionless that he seemed almost stone statue like but I haven't seen the movie either so I don't know if they took the whole lively feel too far or whatnot but just wanted to tell you that.


Best BuildBox Guy 2011 - 2013
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I agree with most of what you said but was just gonna point out that I think it was mentioned in an interview while the movie was being made that they had to revise Ultron's character due to the fact he was so cold and emotionless that he seemed almost stone statue like but I haven't seen the movie either so I don't know if they took the whole lively feel too far or whatnot but just wanted to tell you that.
robots not having emotions is weird

shit's unnatural

god damn my cold, metal machines better have emotion


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
I kind of want The Fantastic Four team to be part of the Avengers franchise. But, going off the information I've seen from Comic Con videos it seems highly doubtful. Not to mention Chris Evans played The Human Torch in the worst adaptaition of Fantastic Four.


I agree with most of what you said but was just gonna point out that I think it was mentioned in an interview while the movie was being made that they had to revise Ultron's character due to the fact he was so cold and emotionless that he seemed almost stone statue like but I haven't seen the movie either so I don't know if they took the whole lively feel too far or whatnot but just wanted to tell you that.
They made him a lot more like how the Joker should be - Ultron's an arrogant smartass (a lot like Tony Stark) but one little thing and he goes berzerk (ie. tearing a man's arm off)

Another piece of promotional art for Captain America: Civil War has been released online, providing another look at Iron Man’s new armor for the film.

Found again on Umberto Gonzales’ Instagram feed, the image gives us a front-facing look at the armor we saw charging at Captain America in yesterday’s image.
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