Me After College:


Aug 6, 2011
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Probably go up to a masters in CS&SE (Computer science and software engineering) cause ive only got 1 year left for my bachelors. Maybe minor in business or music???

Find a girl, get married, get a good career job probably working for the gov/military (again) Already in-line for another paying engineering internship for em. The first one i had was great, just didn't like being laid off. haha

Then i guess see where life takes me after that.

Btw; the video is very true for majority of degrees. STEM and Medicine are some of the top degrees atm. And even with those its difficult.


Aug 6, 2011
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I'm 18, in my senior year of high school, and still have no idea what I want to do exactly.

I used to always say I wanted to make video games, but I realized I only said that because I had no idea what I wanted to be, and video games were what stuck close to me for so long.

After that, I wanted to be an artist. Getting into art, I am definitely getting better and better, but I don't think it's quite something I could do for money. I'm terrible with requests, and I've been getting Artist's Block too many times over the years.

As for colleges, I'm unsure about which to take. Of course, I'd love to take a college with both education on video game design, as well as anime art, but I'm not quite sure if there are any in Ohio. I'm the type of guy who loves to stay at home, so I may attempt to find a college online of my particular interests.

One thing I really need to do is talk with my school counselor about my issues. Especially with finding a job I won't end up hating everyday of my life over.

So, in the end, I'm not quite sure. Maybe I'll do some concept art for video games, if I ever get past my anime girls only phase.


Aug 6, 2011
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Well I recently withdrew from high school to get my GED which I still have to take the test for. Im still not sure what I want to do though.
I was thinking something like becoming a voice actor which I have somewhat of a natural talent for and would be relatively easy to do. Maybe something in engineering.
Cosmology has always been interesting to me and Its a good idea to do something you love so that's another option. But if all else fails Ill probably take over my mothers home healthcare company as CEO, manager of a branch somewhere if it expands that far I don't know.