Other Meet The Admins | Introduction


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score

Hello everyone!

It was brought to our attention recently that some may be confused about what roles us admins have (especially CA's) and what we do, so we decided to start making weekly posts with introductions to our admins! These posts will have details about what they do for the community, their specific roles, and if they want to even some things like like to do to pass time / as a hobby.

We hope this will clear up some confusion for some, and help users know our admins better also. We want our community to know our Admin team well, and connect with them well also - we hope these weekly posts will help that connection.

Starting tomorrow, I will post my Introduction, and then every week we will go down the line (CA's -> Admins). We will most likely have a general set of questions, and then have the admin add anything else they want to include. If you have any questions about this, feel free to leave them below and I'll answer them as best as I can!

Thank you for reading! - The Administrator Team​