(I did this all from memory from last friday, sorry if anything is outdated or wrong, edit it if it is.)
Do you love your community? Do you want more people to join? Do you like advertising? No? Too bad! Apply for the advertising team here!
EscapeRestart needs donations to run. If we don't have donations, we have to put Malcovent out on the streets to gather cash, and nobody wants that. Please, consider donating.
Our Trouble in Terrorist Town server is released! Don't have GMOD? Buy it! Don't like TTT? Change your opinion! Have fun.
EscapeRestart needs donations to run. If we don't have donations, we have to put Malcovent out on the streets to gather cash, and nobody wants that. Please, consider donating.
Our Trouble in Terrorist Town server is released! Don't have GMOD? Buy it! Don't like TTT? Change your opinion! Have fun.
Nothing...I think. Create staff can correct me if they want.
Rituals of Fire
fuck 1.8
fuck bukkit
fuck spigot
fuck bukkit
fuck spigot
Adventure & Tournaments
TTTTTT is released! Join at, and remember, your opinions help shape a server's future. If you have anything on your mind about the server, go speak to Ronaldo.
Kami's Realm
Raiding limitations are down to 12 hours between raids. What's next? Who knows!
Vaults open to all players this Friday(I think), be prepared.