[Military] ArmA 3


Dec 18, 2011
Reaction score
Well, I have just noticed... THERE IS NO ARMA III THREAD.

GET IN HERE AND DIE... Because ArmA 3 is a Military Sandbox and Simulation. Unless you play on Wasteland, Zombie or the worst of these... AltisLife servers.

Anyways, ArmA 3 is a Military Sandbox Simulation. There is a campaign which involves NATO and CSAT, which is an Iran-led coalition. It plays in the near future of 2035 which explains all these new shiny things... Which is a huge let down to ArmA 2's arsenal of weapons.
Back to the campaign, you play as Kerry(maybe the politician or the soldier who knows) and you get stranded on one of the two greek islands the campaign plays on. You flee to the bigger Island, Altis. Oh and there is also the AAF which is a supposed to be neutral faction which betrays you just to completely get split between BLUFOR(your faction) and REDFOR/OPFOR.

Now there is also the Apex modification which adds a gunship for the blue guys and a... well, gunship for the red guys. The blue gunship is a AC-130 with big guns and autocannons attached to it. The red gunship is a VTOL with all the things(expect guided missiles) what a helicopter gunship/assault helicopter has.

There is a huge modding scene, be it RHS(which adds American and Russian forces to the game, with very high quality models... Most recent addition is the remove kebab faction... You know, Serbia), ACE(Hardcore) or even an WW2 mod... Which is now unsupported, woops.
There are thousands of servers... Sadly the good Coop servers died with the release of DayZ(the mod not the game[game will probably be never released]). but there are still big clans. Be it tactical or casual. There is also King of the hill... Once playing in the capital of Altis, Kavala...

Btw, Altis is the fictional name for Lemnos(search it up, it is greek af). No idea why all the names are fictional. For example, the MBT slammer is actually the israeli sheckle gun... Uh I mean Merkava. And the MBT Kuma is the german prototype Leopard EVO.

Have fun.

Notice: The tagging feels really odd. Welp.