RoF - Accepted MineCraftNerd97's RoF Moderator Application

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Oct 24, 2016
Reaction score
What is your in-game name? (Please also give any alt accounts, and if you're applying for our TTT server, your Steam ID.)

- Hey so my IGN is MineCraftNerd97 but am happy for nicknames.

What time-zone do you live in?

- Australian Eastern Standard Time (GMT+10)

How many hours have you played on the server for?

- Currently 1 Day 7 Hour 10 Minutes as of this application and counting.

How many hours can you spend helping the server per week?

- I am currently studying online as a nurse and do have commitments needed of me, however i could achieve a minimum of 5 hours a week.

What prior staffing experience do you have? (It is not mandatory, and it is not a problem if you do not have any.)

- I have had many years of experience within the staff role as every server I have played since Beta 1.7 I have achieved a position of support to others. Most recently I was a Moderator on a server called BreakingMc back in March 2019, which was the last time i played Minecraft till now.

What do you think the role entails?

- As with all roles of a staff member there is a matter of discipline and responsibility needed of the individual, being able to communicate effectively with superiors and subordinates ensures a steady flow of support and confidence throughout the team. I feel with me and this role I will need to be flexible and open minded with what is required of me, I'll need to able to communicate effectively with players in a warm non-judgemental way and to be supportive by encouraging the player to ask questions or any issues that they might have.

Why do you want to be a staff member?

- I always love having that ability to help others to the best I can with the resources I have, I honestly miss the old Minecraft lava survival and this server allows me to relive those memories and as a staff member I'll have a better chance of inspiring players. I want to be able to help with anything about that server however primarily within RoF. I will check in on other servers just to ensure players get help if required.

What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants?

- I am smart, kind, polite, fair, non-judgemental, always think of the bigger picture, confidential when required, caring and responsible. But I am sure you have heard all of this before so basically, I want to help people the best i can and help make things run smoothly, to create a safe, truthful and fun environment. I am not sure what methods have been used to try and promote the server in attempt to recruit more players. Methods such as planet minecraft and other minecraft dedicated websites I am sure have been utilised but what about YouTube using promotional videos or make an advertisement about the server. Using new methods for the current gamer of young children and teens, using things like TikTok, Facebook and other social media platforms to gather their attention. I look forward to seeing this server back in it's prime, using donations not just to keep it running but to expand into other game servers such as sky-block or prison-mining.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with?

- Depending on the problem I should be able to solve it however, if I can't then I’ll consult others at my level (if the problem is private then I’ll ask the individual if they are happy for me to includes others) if the problem still isn't resolved at the lowest level then I’ll work my way up the chain of command.

Is there anything else we should know, or you want to tell us?

- I am 23 years old in November, I'm studying to be a nurse, I've played Minecraft for 10 years (decent at using redstone), I joined this community 24 OCT 2016, enjoy piano, drones, shooting and sports.

- Discord: MineCraftNerd97#9012

Got any builds you would like to show off? (Create only but not mandatory)

- I enjoy Blocktopia but am not much of a builder.

Please list your references: (For most applications at least 1 reference is mandatory, must be a current Moderator+ on EscapeRestart!)

- I am aware of this requirement however I do not have a reference sue to no staff members being online. I did consult an Admin on this topic, and he was happy for this requirement to be revoked.

Please share your thoughts :)
Last edited:


Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Hi sorry it took a while to decide. I'm a terrible procrastinator. Things are a bit weird on RoF currently so it was hard to make a decision. However I'm sure having a new mod wouldn't hurt, and could help the players that come on sometimes.

You've been very active and dedicated to RoF, and also seem fairly level minded, and I don't want to waste that.

I'll put you as trial for now.
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