Blocktopia's Official Octopus
KUNG FURY is an over-the-top action comedy written and directed by David Sandberg. The movie features: arcade-robots, dinosaurs, nazis, vikings, norse gods, mutants and a super kung fu-cop called Kung Fury, all wrapped up in an 80s style action packed adventure.
During an unfortunate series of events a friend of Kung Fury is assasinated by the most dangerous kung fu master criminal of all time; Adolf Hitler, a.k.a Kung Führer. Kung Fury decides to travel back in time, to Nazi Germany, in order to kill Hitler and end the Nazi empire once and for all. Kung Fury is a visually spectacular action comedy that has it's foundation in 80s cop movies.
Kung Fury is a movie made this year. After a successful Kickstarter campaign raising $630,000, they released the movie for free on YouTube. This week, we will be having a Kung Fury movie night. It goes for 30 minutes so anybody can make time for it!
When: Friday June 5th - 11PM GMT (June 7 9AM AEST, 7PM EDT, 4PM PDT)
Where: EscapeRestart's Synctube
Everyone's welcome, so please come along and enjoy a movie with your friends!
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