My second RoF Operator application

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In-game username: Wimali_Stebox (as most of you probably know I used to play as bram13, but I gave that one away and asked for it to get banned on the lobby. I do not currently own any other accounts.)

Time-zone: GMT+1

How much time will you be able to spend staffing the server each day? I should be able to dedicate at least three hours a day on a normal weekday, hopefully 5 or more. During weekends and/or vacations I can probably spend way more time on RoF- Sometimes twelve hours a day or longer, like the past few days. I will try to be on as much as possible and be in IRC whenever I’m not on the server.

What do you think the responsibilities of an operator are on this server? Obviously, I’d say the most important task of an operator is to help its players and make sure they have a nice time on RoF- with fast restores, flood preventation and enforcement of the rules. However, providing entertainment is just as important, if you ask me, to make sure players won’t just AFK the entire round. I’m talking about building contests, spleef arenas, etc.

What sets you apart from other applicants? My dedication to RoF. Although recently it may not seem like it, I spend a lot of time on RoF and absolutely lov eit. It’s one of the things I most enjoy in life. Even after a long inactivity, I still find myself returning to the server. Even when I’m not on the server, I spend my time creating RoF guides and threads or thinking of suggestions. I think RoF is a unique and remarkable server, and want to make sure people join it and stay on it. I also want to help the players most of all. Sure, having fun is important, but as soon as a player has a problem or needs something I will try my very best to solve it, and stop anything that I’m doing.

I’ve also staffed on the server before. I don’t think the fact that I know most of the commands and the server itself is a big plus -anyone can learn that- but I’ve learned a lot about myself during my last attempt at being an operator and realize what an asshole and idiot I’ve been. Another thing is that I know how the players feel and what they want, after both playing RoF as a staff member and a regular player.

What do you believe your greatest weaknesses are as a player and/or staff member? I’m socially awkard. I have almost no experience with most social situations which often makes me look like an asshole or ruin the fun. I doubt this will be much of a problem, as most of the time this shouldn’t be noticeable and I believe that I make up for it with the fact that I try to help as much as possible (be it by creating guides or helping players on the server), although I might often seem cold/arrogant/an asshole.

This also means I try to make jokes but because of my social inexperience I just accidently insult someone instead and cause a lot of drama. This is one reason I don’t joke a lot on the server anymore. I would like to point out that one of my previous weaknesses was my immaturity- I believe that issue has been fixed. Like many people, my maturity depends on who I’m with.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with? I’d contact the more experienced staff (Controller+, for example) and ask them what I should do about the situation and how I should handle it. If that’s not possible, I will attempt to handle it the best I can from my own experience/ideas and observation and ask myself how other staff would handle it.

What previous experience staffing on Blocktopia servers do you have? I staffed on RoF for about three/four months until I resigned after I realised what a bad job I was doing. I abused quite a bit. Sometimes for the entertainment of other players, but often also for my own. That will not happen again. I asked for my rank back probably only about a day later, and was refused. I’m very happy about that, because it has made me think more about myself and how I act. I believe my experience of being an operator will help in the future, but especially what happened after my resignation.

References: Hoogilan, Kevin_28, Ragetastic96, Tamzies, std1997


Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
It's about time. Very glad to see you apply.

First off, excellent application. Very detailed. I would expect nothing less from the person who has almost put more time and effort into this server over the past 2 years than any other player. Your previous staff experience is a nice bonus. I recall getting your reference back in the day, and although you resigned shortly after I'm glad to see you still put effort into making the server a fun place. You've contributed more maps and suggestions than I can count. ( More than I feel like counting , that is ;) )

On account of your weakness, don't be too discouraged. I don't recall it being an issue when you were last staff, although I may not have been paying attention. Just try to be outgoing. I don't like it when I see staff putting themselves on a pedestal because of a purple/green name. We are all players of this game and members of this community.

Best of luck! but you shouldn't need it ;) +1
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Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
Wimali does what every player who is striving for a staff position should. To be honest, he raises the bar in my opinion on how people should act when trying to get staff. He's always willing to think of new ideas, help around the server or help a new player understand the rules. I think he also deserves credit for putting so much time and investment in how many maps he has made. He made almost every single one I believe by himself and that's no small feat or a small considerable amount of time or energy.

Now I could brag on and on about his accomplishments with helping around the server as far as a normal player can and what he did as a previous staff member but the one thing that I loved about you and do is what you said at the end of your application.

But before I move to that part, I would like to discuss your concerns about maturity. I'm not someone who can really pass judgement on someone about their maturity considering my own personality and my past but I felt I should at least address it.

This also means I try to make jokes but because of my social inexperience I just accidently insult someone instead and cause a lot of drama. This is one reason I don’t joke a lot on the server anymore. I would like to point out that one of my previous weaknesses was my immaturity- I believe that issue has been fixed. Like many people, my maturity depends on who I’m with.
during my last attempt at being an operator and realize what an asshole and idiot I’ve been.
This is all I'll say on your maturity, If you've got enough maturity to realize these things I've quoted and change them/restrain yourself from doing them then you've got more maturity than I do and I'm currently a staff member so I'll let that speak for itself.

What previous experience staffing on Blocktopia servers do you have? I staffed on RoF for about three/four months until I resigned after I realised what a bad job I was doing. I abused quite a bit. Sometimes for the entertainment of other players, but often also for my own. That will not happen again. I asked for my rank back probably only about a day later, and was refused. I’m very happy about that, because it has made me think more about myself and how I act. I believe my experience of being an operator will help in the future, but especially what happened after my resignation.
Now onto my ending part. This is the part that sold me on you to say the least. Instead of starting your own personal hate campaign and saying everyone was overreacting and that you were just doing it for the fun and everyone was just being over-zealous. You also didn't just turn into a crude asshole who haunts the server. You instead stepped down and tried to change. This last statement plus what you've done in the past/present and what you've shown in maturity is more than enough reason to at LEAST deserve a trial.

Take a HUGE +1 from me.


A&T Fiesh
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
You are an amazing player, you've done a lot for the server, more than we can thank you for. In my eyes, you are the perfect player. Everyone described the reason you should be accepted perfectly so I don't have much to add. A +1 for you mate!


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
I am pretty late with responding, which I am normally not, but here is my response on your application. Your application looks amazing and I can see every minute you have put in it. I think your weakness is not even a weakness and to me it looks like you just picked something to get away with the question. You are pretty social on RoF and not afraid to say your opinion about anything. The fact that you stated 'not being social' seems like an easy way out for me.

I would love to see you on RoF as an Operator, you do so much for our server. You literally own almost every list and sometimes you know more then some of the Operators. (relating to what burns and what doesn't) Although I think you would still need a trial, it has been a while when you have been Operators and the server does change somewhat. When I saw you as a player, I always thought you were an Undercover Operator or something, you already seemed pretty staff-like. I see no reason to deny this so a +1 from me Bram.

Tamzies Out!

Veel succes, belgje van me.


Resident Zombie
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
Can't really think of a reason that even warrants anything less than a +1 for you. You're always on lately, you submit so many suggestions, help out so many players, always being friendly while online. Can't really write more with what everyone else has said, either, considering they covered pretty much everything.


Survival Staff
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I told this to you directly but I'll say it again.

I was heavily involved in the situation surrounding you abuse as a staff member and I supported the decision the not allow you to have your rank back.

That being said, I don't believe that someone's past actions define who that person is for an eternity. I believe that people can change, and I think you've changed for the better. Your dedication to RoF has existed since the beginning and despite not being a staff member you've definitely had a positive influence and impact on the server. I only believe that having you as a staff member will open new horizons for you to continue this on RoF.



Thank you for the support and feedback everyone.
I think your weakness is not even a weakness and to me it looks like you just picked something to get away with the question. You are pretty social on RoF and not afraid to say your opinion about anything. The fact that you stated 'not being social' seems like an easy way out for me.
I picked it as my biggest weakness (I have plenty others, like most people, but this seemed like my most important one) because I do actually consider it to be my greatest weakness . However, I should've explained it better- I try to act friendly and social, but would definitely consider "being social" a problem for me. I'll joke around and similar, but often I don't know how to respond to jokes, support or other social stuff. Sometimes this makes me not respond to some messages at all or oddly, which can cause me to look like a dick. I'll also just suddenly become tired of talking to others or being social, but I don't make this noticeable and try to remain social. I've received a few complaints about it + heard some people's opinion of me, so I definitely realize it's one of my weaknesses.

Is this a huge flaw for me? Yes. Do I think it will get in the way of me being able to staff properly? No. I'm working on it and hope that being staff might actually help me with it, as I have to speak to so many people.

Just wanted to clarify that.


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
Thank you for the support and feedback everyone.

I picked it as my biggest weakness (I have plenty others, like most people, but this seemed like my most important one) because I do actually consider it to be my greatest weakness . However, I should've explained it better- I try to act friendly and social, but would definitely consider "being social" a problem for me. I'll joke around and similar, but often I don't know how to respond to jokes, support or other social stuff. Sometimes this makes me not respond to some messages at all or oddly, which can cause me to look like a dick. I'll also just suddenly become tired of talking to others or being social, but I don't make this noticeable and try to remain social. I've received a few complaints about it + heard some people's opinion of me, so I definitely realize it's one of my weaknesses.

Is this a huge flaw for me? Yes. Do I think it will get in the way of me being able to staff properly? No. I'm working on it and hope that being staff might actually help me with it, as I have to speak to so many people.

Just wanted to clarify that.
Thank you for your clarification, to best honest you do not notice it all. But, make sure you do not become fake. We all have our days that we hate all the player base and just need to log off to release some steam. :-)

I do not think you are a huge dick, you are pretty social all around and I also have sometimes I have no clue what to respond, subject changes and ignoring it helps indeed
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