My Wonderful Adventures!... in hell.



I was... I was only 18 when "it" happened. The day my world came crashing down in flames... I just saw a light on the horizon and then everything was gone...I'm not sure exactly what caused it... I would look it up on the internet like I used to do. Used to.. do...
Now, there was nothing. Shattered hopes, dreams... my shattered psyche. "Who or what the hell would do this?!" I thought to myself. I never used to curse when all was well... now, it just didn't seem to matter. Everything was gone. My whole family, disintegrated before... before my eyes. We were on our way to the supermarket, when we heard a piercing sound. Then, a strange, yellowish light arose on the horizon. It wasn't the sun because it had just become night. Then.. it all went downhill from there. I immediately hid in the concrete rain gutter near our car. I had a feeling that something wasn't right. My family were further ahead of me because I forgot my phone in the car, worrying someone would steal it so I went to go get it. Dammit I should've died with them... I would rather death than that gruesome scene that followed...
After I hid, I yelled to them: "Guys, hurry! That light is coming this way and it looks like it's destroying everything in it's path! HURRY!!! PLEASE!!!... They ran. They ran as fast as they could, I know it. But... they... they couldn't make it. I looked up after that light had passed over, while hearing blood-curdling shrieks, explosions, and other noises too horrible to mention or even think about...
There they were. Except... they were... ash grey. They looked as if they were covered in soot, the expressions still on their faces. Frozen there as if someone had stopped time. I... I went up to them, my stomach hurting as if from radiation. I was about to touch my mother's hand. She... crumbled into ash... as did the others...
I cried. I sat there and cried for quite a while, lamenting what had happened in the midst of all the destroyed buildings, and other people who had died around me. No life... no trees or greenery in sight. All living things had died... as far as I knew. A few hours later I heard someone else. They were... running at me, shouting. With a knife. I had to do something, I knew he was coming for me. I felt as if I wanted to die, but I really didn't. Not now. I looked on the ground around me hastily for something to defend myself with and all I found was a large glass shard from a car window. He came up to me and slashed at me... I dodged it, barely, and then I struck back. I... I killed him. "Oh God" I said "What have I done?!?" As if this catastrophe wasn't enough... I killed someone. I looked at my crimson stained hands and thought to myself who else might be lurking out there, now insane because of loss of property, loved ones... and food. "Wait, food?" I thought, "That must be it, why he killed me... there's no food."
I had to keep myself alive from then on no matter what. I tried to sweep up most of my family's ashes and buried them in the soil beside the parking lot before I left.
I had realized I had turned from an easygoing, regular person into a killer.