Natsu's Apocalypse Records


The Flaming Dragon Op
Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
It was on a cold winter morning, on the day of my birthday. I woke up to screams and fire very early in the morning. I tried to grasp what was going on around me. The place I used to know as home, in the beautiful snow-capped mountains, was now only mounds of ash, flame, and destruction.. Being only 13, it took me awhile to understand the situation. I decided to go out and look for my family. Or what was left of them. I checked each and every one of their rooms. All gone, burned to death or killed by radiation. I walked out of my house, in pain and agony after crying over their dead bodies. There weren't any signs of trees or food for miles. Just destroyed buildings and radiation. I took the road off to Crucia. I hoped that some survivors would've been there. Upon entering the city, I saw a person wearing some leather clothes along with what seemed like a wooden sword. I decided to go to talk to him, but right before I could, he whipped around, and chased me back onto the bridge. Just as he was about to kill me, some small survivor's instinct inside me kicked in. I tripped him, and he fell to the ground. Before he could react, I grabbed a huge rock and smashed it on his head. The result was too brutal. It all happenned so quickly, I'm not sure who I am anymore. After looting his dead corpse, I ran off into a hidden building and ate the food I got off him. I looked up to the sky and thought about all that happenned. Why did fate make it so this would all happen on my birthday? Is this god's cruel way of playing a trick on me? I cried myself to sleep that night, on the cold, hard floor.