Other Net Neutrality Day of Action!


Zombier than thou.
Community Admin
Aug 6, 2011
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You may have noticed our new logo for the day, in solidarity for today's Net Neutrality Day of Action.
Today, many of the internet's largest organizations are banding together to show their support for net neutrality, as the FCC and ISPs threaten to repeal the Title II classification for broadband internet.

Why This Matters

Title II classification requires internet service providers to be "just and reasonable" in their rates and practices. This means that ISPs can't, for example, charge you extra to visit popular websites, or throttle competing websites in favor of one they own. If the FCC repeals Title II, these sorts of anti-consumer, anti-open internet practices are totally within the ISP's ability to implement.

As an open forum with members from all over the world, we at EscapeRestart believe the internet is something that should be open and accessible for anyone, not hidden behind paywalls, throttled or censored.

What You Can Do

The FCC is still taking comments on their plan to repeal current net neutrality rules. You can submit such comments until July 17th here. Fight For The Future, the organizers of the Day of Action, also have a site to share your voice. You can learn more about net neutrality and add your voice at the link below.​


Drink up baby, stay up all night
Sep 20, 2014
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This is why I love the EU so much. So many Europeans like to complain that the EU accomplishes almost nothing. And yet: the EU has binding laws for net neutrality. Thus, net neutrality is legally binding for all memberstates. It will never be an issue in the EU again. Meanwhile, the US needs to fight for it for the umpteenth time-- and it definitely won't be the last time.

Limbo Cat

Jul 15, 2017
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My friends at the bar have such issues with this. The gravity of the net beginning to charge users for the use of webpages goes against the idea of the internet, and life itself!!!