Suggestion [Not Added] Just a few things..


Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
I know I'm fairly new on the server so my opinion probably won't mean much to most of you but just a list of some things that I've noticed while playing.
  1. Custom ranks are confusing as some people have said they're staff however you cannot report even if they're online.
  2. No donaters or trusted should have the slap command. There is no situation where they would need the slap command other than to abuse it.
  3. Pointshop 2 is superior in my opinion, however you may not have it due to financial reasons which I understand if that's the case.
  4. Where are the default HL2 player models at? I need my black man skin.
  5. Traitors shouldn't have a defib, player standard would improve as they would have to approach their T rounds more carefully as they only have once chance.
  6. The forums are really hard to use (that must just be me though) (pls delete the clone thread)
Note: I'll add extra points if I notice anything else.
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Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for the suggestions Tyrone, I'll just give my initial thoughts:

Custom ranks - who has claimed to be staff? Staff impersonation isn't be allowed and I am the one who gives people titles and I make sure none of them say "admin" or anything. Admins are identified by rainbow colours and the 'Admin' title. :eek:

The slap command is given as a reward to those who reach 200 hours on the server, meaning they are trusted enough not to abuse it. It's just a fun little ability to reward them for having so much ontime and is just used for lighthearted fun, but if you see someone seriously abusing it, report them and they'll have their access to it removed \o/. Personally I like this and think it should stay but maybe that's just me.

Pointshop 2 - I'd love to get pointshop 2 but as you say it costs money, but I do plan on getting it at some point. What worries me is that I think everyone's inventories will reset? But I haven't spent much time looking into that so I don't know for sure.

Traitors having defib - personally I don't think this is a problem and I think it's nice to be given a second chance, and since you're on the scoreboard with having a red name if you've been revived you're usually instantly KOS again, so it's still bad news if you die no matter if you get revived or not so you still have to be careful. Maybe it's just me but personally I see no problem with it.

Those are just my personal opinions though \o/
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
Pointshop 2 is superior in my opinion, however you may not have it due to financial reasons which I understand if that's the case.
No, Pointshop 2 is absolutely terrible, needs 2 other addons to properly work and is laggy and crashes clients :/

Although, i had the same struggle as you at first, while time passes you will understand the rank system etc, although i have to agree it could be a bit more explained :)




Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
I know I'm fairly new on the server so my opinion probably won't mean much to most of you but just a list of some things that I've noticed while playing.
  1. Custom ranks are confusing as some people have said they're staff however you cannot report even if they're online.
  2. No donaters or trusted should have the slap command. There is no situation where they would need the slap command other than to abuse it.
  3. Pointshop 2 is superior in my opinion, however you may not have it due to financial reasons which I understand if that's the case.
  4. Where are the default HL2 player models at? I need my black man skin.
  5. Traitors shouldn't have a defib, player standard would improve as they would have to approach their T rounds more carefully as they only have once chance.
  6. The forums are really hard to use (that must just be me though) (pls delete the clone thread)
Note: I'll add extra points if I notice anything else.
I disagree with everything here, so in my very intellectual and knowing opinion, I would suggest: kys fegit.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Oh and also regarding the half life models, we decided at one point not to have them because they didn't really fit the theme of our pointshop and just seemed out of place, but if most people want them in then that's fine too \o/ They don't need any downloads either so it won't increase lag or join time.