Note to FireFox (9) users.


Lord of the Rage
Aug 2, 2011
Reaction score
If you are using firefox, and you are missing the text entry box when trying to create a new thread, you are most likely using firefox 9.

There is a glitch in our forum with respect to firefox 9 that causes the text entry box not to appear.

The best way to get around this is either to use a different browser to make your thread, and wait for a full firefox 10, or switch to firefox 10 beta, since that does not have this problem.

I had the same problem. In switching to firefox 10 beta I ran into one small glitch with firefox itself, it didn't open clicked links in steam / skype / whatever anymore, so I had to reset it to my default browser, by switching default browser back to internet explorer, then back to firefox. That might just have been an issue on my machine, but I thought I'd mention it. Keep that in mind folks.