TTT - Accepted [On Trial] Paige's TTT Moderator Application


Mafia Host
May 16, 2016
Reaction score
What is your in-game name?
Thel'Vadam, STEAM_0:0:64483782

What timezone do you live in?
PDT currently

How many hours have you played on the server for?
About day short of 4 weeks, so ~648 hours in EscapeRestart TTT.

How many hours can you spend helping out the server per week?
I can try to average an hour or two a day until I go back to school (if the server has activity), barring any sudden changes in my schedule.

What prior staffing experience do you have?
I was Trusted on the server.

What do you think the role entails?
Talking sense into/kicking/banning people who don't realize TTT isn't a team death-match game. Handle reports when the legality of a kill is disputed. Handle people harassing others. Punishing RDM-and-leave.

Why do you want to be a staff member?
I don't know how many former staff members will be back when TTT restarts so it's better to apply ahead of time if I'm needed at relaunch. I'd like to keep TTT fun like it was when I first joined the server.

What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants?
Considering there's currently no other applicants, the fact that I exist. I have a very sad amount of playtime on the server so I feel that I have a lot of experience with how this specific server is supposed to run.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with?
If it's a very large issue or important but not time dependent I may wait for another admin/mod with more experience. Otherwise I may ask other non-TTT admins/mods that are online, or worst case make my own judgement call and revisit it if necessary.

Is there anything else we should know or you want to tell us?
I'm better than Inffy at TTT.

Got any builds you'd like to show off? (Create only but not mandatory)
I know it says Create but I drew this in under a minute

Please list your references:


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Is there anything else we should know or you want to tell us?
I'm better than Inffy at TTT.
Hi Paige, unfortunately I've had to deny this for lying in your application.

For real though, I know you, I know you'd do an excellent job because if you do something, you do it properly. You also have a great sense of fun, and I think you'll be great at using your commands to keep the fun rather than enforcing everything to the letter and killing the spirit of the server. You were also Trusted on the server so you have some experience dealing with issues when there were no Admins online. Your application is straight to the point and clear and your extensive experience with the server and community is a great asset.

Since this is pre-server release, you can't be officially promoted just yet due to the new policy we have on moderator ranks, but we can make a preemptive decision to promote you on the day of release. So you'd be staff until then but wouldn't get your rank and forum/discord permissions until the server is out in a couple of weeks.

Usually I'd wait for the other TTT staff to weigh in on their opinions and vote before writing my post but since we've been away for some time and haven't fully converged together or warmed up into the server again, I have a feeling that some people (myself included) may be feeling a bit rusty in terms of making these kinds of decisions and getting a feel for the server again, so for this application I decided to write my own thoughts first as a kind of example/reminder of how these things go, and then I'll come back at the end of the application process to finalize the decision.

In the meantime, I'm messaging the others and asking them to take a look at your application, give some thoughts if they have any, and place a vote if they're feeling up to it.

Good luck and thanks for applying to help us out!

Pika Pika

Feb 9, 2016
Reaction score
Hello Paige,

In all my time on the server i remember you being online regularly and always being a genuinely fun person to play TTT with. I believe you could take to the role of moderator very well, i believe you will be both fair and justified when dealing with RDM reports and players who are just being a generally nuisance to others. Your application is well written and shows your points clearly and also shows how (as you said) you are wiling to revisit situations which will allow you to both become more comfortable with and to further your moderating abilities. I also believe that you will take to commands with ease and will become an expert at dealing with the reports quickly.

Overall i have to vote yes on your application for moderator.


Jan 16, 2016
Reaction score
Hello Paige,

You are well-known through the server and bring joy to it. You already have the rank trusted and haven't misused the commands to a nuclear disaster level, so I can assume that you have a sense on how to use your commands. Your application looks great and I couldn't bring myself to view it in any negative way. I think you would do great as a moderator as you know how the server and the players work.

Also who could deny someone with such drawing skills, so I give a yes.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, the staff had until yesterday to say something here if they wanted to, so I'm going to resolve this application now.

Not much else to say other than what I said already. I agree with what prime and pika said and their comments solidify the decision to accept the application and put you on trial for moderator. I think you'll do a fantastic job and I'm so happy to have you.

So, congratulations, and thank you for volunteering to help! Check your PMs for a couple of guides, and best of luck with your trial!