One Module In Time


Aug 6, 2011
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So, while trying to enhance my web development skills and computer programming skills i stumbled upon a cool little file i made for my web design class (from 2 years ago, sorry i've edited the file since xD). and it made me think what i wanted to do in the first place from first learning my skills.

I wanted to create and own my own software/education business. I figured why not get an early start. I'm 19 and with half a brain, so..... GREAT START ALREADY HUH?!?! Of course i'm no where near in skill, nor intellect to where i SHOULD be to start this, but since im on semester break, and have a shit-ton of computer books still, i could learn as i create.

So yeah, business name is One Module In Time. (a play on computers module and music in time)
Mission currently is just; helping as many people as i can with my skills, one module in time. (another play on, something like, one step at a time, etc)

Thus far, I can only create youtube videos of educational material. For the software wise the only thing i can professionally do is a basic invoice software. :/ (but i mean how simple are those things? pfft)

I was kinda wanting some ideas, of what people nowadays really NEED when it comes to software. Very few businesses actually do this, a survey of normal people (well.... i guess were not really classified as "normal" :p ) and most of them create the same crappy stuff, just with their own twist on it.

What do you guys think?


Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
Be interesting-
Be yourself- Don't try and be funny or be something you can't, focus on keeping it interesting.
Show little special things you can do with coding, not just basics, although you should do basics, show the simple little things you can do to enhance the program/webthing(?) your making/tutoralizing (Thats a word.) Make sure to stay mature. None of that cursing, although I do have yet to see you curse, it makes you seem less mature, and less professional. Staying appropriate in other areas is obvious like, no offensive jokes ect. Also, if you screw up a video or have a lot of mistakes, don't say "good enough". If you say that, your not ready. And if you need to if the stuff gets tedious, close up on what your doing and make it x2 speed or something of the sorts. Be prepared, having a piece of paper in front of you (Or a text file on another computer/monitor) and make sure you don't forget things by writing all the stuff down you want to talk about. I don't mean like a script (Although you can, but it gives less real emotion.)

Well for now that's all I can think of for help if you wanted it.

Other then that, sounds good! :D Good luck